So KCC posts this highlight about Jim Comics as a Key Fact. I thought this guy disappeared a long time ago, why are they still referencing him? LOL!
last video Jim put out was 8 months ago.
Me thinks KCC and Jim are dating…and JIm might be putting out a new video…
Jim has had a few Instagram posts & comments of late that I assume sparked some of this.
I’d still like to know what kind of influence that guy has, when he is MIA. That KCC is interesting with what they post.
Anything to get people to buy through KCC’s eBay link.
Jim still has followers and influence whether he’s highly active or not. Even when he’s incorrect. He’s not a terrible guesser though
All you have to do is reach out to nick and they will take ur tip #Pause and post it no credit if ur following isnt good enough.
Don’t try too hard to think about it. Your head would explode
Oh no, not NIck’s picks again. I guess I do look forward to these, because it’s funny to see him trying to explain stuff he’s clearly never read and/or has no knowledge about. I’d rather see Nicolas Cage’s picks.
I guess one could argue, that “Fantastic Four: Life Story,” 1 is a cheaper Fantastic Four book in the 1960s than the actual first issue–plus there is that whole Marvel sliding time scale. I dunno, why I am making excuses for them?
I think its cause marvel highlighted a few books to read before the movie and life story was one of them, probably also the cheapest book on that list to own
Here is a fun one from this week:
There is no team appearance of Blood Hunters. It is an anthology style book with three not connected tales featuring, they may form a team later, but they do not meet up or join forces here:
Porn-stache Hawkeye
J Jonah Jameson and Man-Wolf
And finally Dagger searching for Cloak but finding Elsa Bloodstone.
These three tales do not cross over nor do they “form a team.”
If you read the solicitation, they may meet up later and form a team, but it does not happen hear, maybe in a later issue, but not here.
The first in a new anthology series that explores how the shattering events of BLOOD HUNT cover the breadth of the Marvel Universe!
HAWKEYE is on the run - but does he have enough trick arrows in his quiver to avoid both the long arm of the law AND vampires out for his blood?!
MAN-WOLF and J. JONAH JAMESON do a little father-son bonding - while also fighting for their lives against a horde of bloodsuckers!
And, in a continuing story, with CLOAK missing in action DAGGER strikes out in search of new and surprising allies. Witness the genesis of Marvel’s wildest team yet: the BLOOD HUNTERS!
It all begins here!
So… the Blood Hunters team doesnt actually form until issue #4
Its an all female team: Hallows’ Eve, Dagger, Elsa Bloodstone and White Widow
In other words no first appearances.
Let’s see how long it takes them to see this and update it to Dorman? Any over/unders? Lol
Well, less than 11 hours.