Based on Lighting?
Doom is hot. Buy this book because of the Doom cover?
Things my favorite
War looming? Buy war comics (seriously there are so many war comics this is just a random book)
Things my favorite
Bloodfire? That takes me back. I could swear they solicited a new issue with some publisher or the other but it was canceled pending a resolicit.
more like Dumpster Fire…
The absence of logic in his picks is so bizarre that it has become a form of unintentional comedy.
Me like Doom. Buy cover of Doom. Doom is good spec.
That would be cool if the new Ultimate Doom gets some love. Good character and I’m genuinely interested in what his agenda is
I think Blood Moon was looking at doing it.
I like that its only a doom book in cover , because its just a sketch book
how long til some are on the top 10-20 listed ?
Why is earth always the center of these universal events? You’d think we were the center of the universe or something…
Oh good… I have a few extra of those. Great cover. Tiem to sell.
Doesnt mean anything as Marvel Studios has cancelled multiple projects with those copyrights from 2022…
It’s funny. I was in the shop I do spoilers in on Tuesday night. Two guys were talking and then one was telling the other he doesn’t read comics. He buys for the covers and knows what to buy from KCC. I was like ugh. I pulled up their keys of the week and said, “I can tell you KCC won’t tell you which book this week is selling for $25 the night before release”. The guy chided me to tell him and I said “nah, just keep using KCC” after release KCC updated their “Keys of the Week” to add this
Way to be retroactively correct KCC. Earning that $1.99 a month from subscribers.
Apparently Nick has forgotten how BAD these lenticular were…practically every Walmart 3 pack had one in them, hey were so unwanted…
If you see that dude again, you gotta finish the conversation with a good old-fashioned chokeslam and/or a stone-cold stunner.
I ended up telling two other guys to check out the forum and gave them the tip. They had a total of six copies of the cover. We each grabbed two.
It’s so cool that you live near a shop like Third Eye. Having 6 copies of Cover D of Eye Lie Popeye is a fantasy for the vast majority of comic shops everywhere.
KCC is in the business of just linking to anything to eBay or whatever so they earn commissions from your clicks. That’s all… they don’t care about key books, they don’t care if you buy that book from clicking the link, if you go wander off and buy something else, they still get the referral commission from other sales in a set amount of time until the cookies expire in your browser or they click another affiliate link that overwrites theirs.