Another reasons to drag me out to the lcs…bleh…
Fight it… fight the urge… it’s Walking Dead… it’s already dead on arrival…
Ha! True.
why Hasn’t that add shown up in threads here?
So did anyone strike gold or foil today? Even with Walking Dead, Ice Cream Man and Mag Ms Marvel 13 2nd I stayed home…
Of course, it wasn’t by choice. Kids have virtual school and I have to keep them in line…the. Make sure they do their work…then work myself in between…kinda wasn’t an option today…doubt any are still at my LCS.
I struck a septic tank. Went to my lcs and the shipment from Diamond just came in today. I saw a stack of 20-30 X-men #12s so I should be good there.
Walking dead isn’t out today. It’s just coming to stores when the new reprint series does.
Oh. I was confused by the 09-15-20 number in your screen shot.
When was this supposed to come out?
Next week
But the regular edition comes out this week?
I know. Seems ass backwards to me as well. But thats when its on my invoice.