One per store Walking Dead Gold foil coming

Another reasons to drag me out to the lcs…bleh…

Fight it… fight the urge… it’s Walking Dead… it’s already dead on arrival… :wink:

Ha! True.


why Hasn’t that add shown up in threads here? :wink:

So did anyone strike gold or foil today? Even with Walking Dead, Ice Cream Man and Mag Ms Marvel 13 2nd I stayed home…

Of course, it wasn’t by choice. Kids have virtual school and I have to keep them in line…the. Make sure they do their work…then work myself in between…kinda wasn’t an option today…doubt any are still at my LCS.

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I struck a septic tank. Went to my lcs and the shipment from Diamond just came in today. I saw a stack of 20-30 X-men #12s so I should be good there.

Walking dead isn’t out today. It’s just coming to stores when the new reprint series does.

Oh. I was confused by the 09-15-20 number in your screen shot.

When was this supposed to come out?

Next week

But the regular edition comes out this week?

I know. Seems ass backwards to me as well. But thats when its on my invoice.