Online Comic Store Report Card

The rigid mailer could be put in a gemini…that would be pretty decent Todd?

I ship with a Gemini and painters tape and still get 1 to 2 complaints every 100 orders or so.

I have ordered enough that I have seen the painter’s tape pulled away because of the extent the package was tossed around. I am just reiterating that packaging well does help, but someone can break that, and probably has at one point or another. Poyo has had good luck, but will only take the postal worker that delivers to ToddW and it might not make it.

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If the book is secure and doesn’t shift around it sounds good.

Are you securing the books to the flaps or are you doing a cardboard sandwich inside? Both seem to help. But damage is inevitable just need the right conditions and someone’s going to find a way.

I use extra cardboard if the book is $100 or more that’s about it. I secure it properly, some people are just going to complain regardless if you don’t ship it exactly how they do is my experience. I have it stated in my listings I ship with a Gemini and painters tape so you know what your getting before you purchase from me. So if you don’t like it shipped like that you can buy elsewhere.

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95% of all comics I buy outside of massive tfaw preorders come in Gemini or some type of Gemini mailer and youre lucky if they use painters tape :joy:

But if the rigids cost you 30 cents each and the gemini cost 30-50 cents each, you’re just adding to overall costs. If you pack them each correctly, then one doesn’t need the other.

Luck… pffttt… you’ve never seen my packing job. :wink:

I think it’s more the volume of the packages I get along with most being eBay sent media mail. There’s definitely rougher handling than some seem to think.

Poyo packs comics like they are worth their weight in fine jewels. I can attest having gotten some stuff from him (giveaways I won).

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They used to ship pretty well. Silver boards and bags, comics wrapped in grey paper, about 10-15 to a wrap (kept them snug and they could pack in one pile with no effect). Peanuts abound in the box.
In the last month, I’ve gotten an order with Silver bags and regular boards… Last two weeks has been Reg/Reg (no explanation) and ZERO wrap. Comics are stacked in one or maybe two piles, sometimes 60 to a pile! They aren’t front to back so the weight creates a curve in every book… Hoping that going into a comic box will fix… Really shoddy job lately.

I merged your topic/post into our ongoing conversation on retailers. We don’t need yet another topic discussing the positive and negatives of online retailers.


I figured it’s worth the time to spend an extra few minutes securing the comics than the potential half hour or couple of hours of headache dealing with books if they do get damaged during transit. :slight_smile:

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Oh no I pull em out especially since being apart of this site and CBSI on FB you guys have me extra paranoid about inspecting books from anywhere I order from.

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Most of those issues are being resolved. We almost doubled our warehouse team’s size in the last couple of weeks, and training has been a bit harder than usual with people working so far apart and not always seeing when newer people are doing things like stacking too many books. People here have been helpful in letting me know when anything different/wrong was done so I can track down the specific shipment and we can see the specific person who packed it to make sure they know what to stop/start doing.

As for the bags, that’s an issue primarily with BCW. They’ve been backstocked for nearly a month now and our re-orders keep getting pushed back, so some bags and boards are running low. We’re talking with other vendors to try and get another source to order from, but it seems like at least with comics some of the supplies are starting to be impacted by all of the shutdowns earlier in the year and the stoppages in manufacturing/shipping.

I agree TFAW is the best in terms of incentive books sold below ratio and I dont want to ruin the lovefest for TFAW on this site. But my last two orders of 263 books and 192 books both had over 30 books with significant damage. While i generally agree tfaw is one of the best for preorders, my biggest gripe is they will not replace books unless they are worst than Very Fine and you need to provide pictures of each book. that bar is just so low almost nothing can be returned. ultimately i was only able to get refunds on the books which were smashed and i was stuck with the rest with impacted corners. otherwise tfaw is the BEST.

I think TFAW needs to rethink how to package orders of over 100 books. Stacking 100 books filled with peanuts just doesnt work.


It’s hard to ship 100 books period unless you’re going to put 5 in 20 Gemini’s and ship it in a dishwasher box. I do this for grading submissions lol .

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How often are you buying a dishwasher? :upside_down_face: :grin:

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I need to order a book from poyo…it’s been a while…so I can critique his handiwork…:wink: