I’ve gotten my last three monthly’s from TFAW with no bags and boards and none of them had damage. When I was getting bags and boards I was getting corner damage because they were using the wrong size bags and boards. I just bag them myself now with mylites2 and half or full backs.
I’ve tried to be pretty patient with TFAW. I love their system, side, and have had zero issues with my monthly large orders.
Having said that, I’ll no longer make any small orders. We’ve beaten the dead horse on their crappy mailers, but I’ll take a last shot.
The mailers simply aren’t appropriate to mail comics in. If an EBay or any other seller used them I’d give em a negative.
They can’t prevent the slightest of damage and are as useless as tits on a boar.
I have zero issue paying more for appropriate shipping materials/Geminis.
TFAW needs to address it.
My reshipment for a comic that was damaged the first time they sent me it. 2 damaged shipments for the same issue…atleast it wasn’t one of the incentives…
I used them myself, would you give me a negative? But it was for single books and packed tight with extra cardboard. I have yet to have a book I ship out get damaged.
There’s the difference though…you pack them tight with extra cardboard and care. So I suppose I stand corrected on the mailer itself, but they are insufficient if a comic is simply slid inside it without any additional attention to detail.
I find these no bag and board comments pretty interesting.
I’d happily skip bag and boards via TFAW based on the results shared here.
Third Eye Comics (received last week) - packaged well, fast shipping (once both issued released), and comics in great shape.
Always waiting for Tfaw. This is my order that started processing on 5/6, finally shipped on 5/13 and I am still waiting for it to be delivered. It’s crazy that every place else I order from ships my stuff out anywhere between Tuesday and Thursday and I have it by the weekend and Tfaw is a 2 week process just to get half of what I ordered anyway.
I’m excited, mine got shipped out today! woohoo!
My 5/6 order just shipped today (w/ weekly shipments)…looking forward to the scenic route FedEx takes it on.
Got my first shipment from Beedas today. Paid for it on the 15th and it arrived 5 days later via UPS. It was packaged well and I have no complaints. Everything was secure and arrived mint with no damage. I also received my invoice for this week and an email detailing what comics would not be shipped this week and why. Some he did not recieve yet and some arrived damaged. At least I know what is going on with my order. If you’re interested in trying him out give him an email at info@beedasthingamajigits.com and ask for details about pre-orders with him
Got an order from Tfaw, it also was packed well and arrived mint with no damage which I appreciate. However it still took 2 weeks to get here and I still have 26 titles in my pre-order queue that have not shipped yet and I will never be given a reason why. I feel that Tfaw has gotten to big to really be pro-active with their customer service. They just kind of expect you to be ok with whatever you get and won’t address anything unless you bring it up with them. Some of the best customer service in comics? Yea I don’t think so. They don’t go above and beyond to help you out. Doing what you are supposed to do because you screwed up isn’t providing great customer service. It’s just doing your freaking job.
I’m trying out Beeda’s and Villain to see how they do. I like that I get get ratios from each with a half ratio order.
Dang, they actually explained what was delayed and why? That’s impressive.
If my next TFAW order arrives in REKT condition, I will give Beedas a shot.
And they likely don’t have a bazillion customers. The day they’re trying to fulfill thousands of order per week and they still manage to do a custom email explanation, then I’ll be super impressed.
I just got my next TFAW order today… all the books are immaculate… they were so perfect, I felt a little guilty so I started manhandling them and licking them… no comic should come that perfect!
Yeah I would love to see their operation. Their website is great and I imagine its just insane getting that many comics in all at once, then having to sort them all quickly, but also not damaging them. I have a picture in my head, but just wow, would love to get a photo of all those comics / collectibles!
Yeah, I always wondered what their operations look like. I can only imagine they’re probably the #2 biggest retailer behind Midtown. Maybe MyComicShop is #2 though… but definitely top 3 retailer. I know some are being a little impatient but they really did hit some bad weeks (diamond, weather, shipping woes) and the playing catchup is the hardest part. I think it’s cool that @RipCityGamer is here to fill in way more details than he’s obligated to do so and I think some members forget likely how big an operation they might be running. So yeah, getting that personalized email explanation is great from a shop but come on, to do that for every single customer that TFAW likely caters to would be a full time team likely just handling emails, reviewing orders, etc.
Dave and Adam’s card world is a cool operation, and they used to have a lot of photos up online of their giant warehouse…not sure if they still do. Looked really neat though, just surrounded by insane amounts of collectibles!
Yea and like Poyo said, Beeda doesn’t have as many orders as Tfaw so I wouldnt actually expect a personal email from Tfaw but even Unknown Comics sends out a weekly email to everyone on their mailing list with what comics are delayed and wont ship this week. Hence why I said Tfaw has gotten too big to provide pro active customer service. They don’t think about any of that stuff unless you make them think about it. Fixing a problem when you complain isn’t great customer service, it’s par for the course, it’s expected. Great customer service is doing things people don’t expect or that you really don’t have to do but you do it anyway because it shows you appreciate your customers.