It’s Live Resin so it doesn’t have natural terpenes in it, which is may be smelling…. But I’m not sitting there hitting it back to back. I hit it once or twice and I’m good for a while.
That’s a great tip, I gotta try it. I sometimes buy those air fresheners that pump out perfume mist around the house, works well but they go fast.
It’s your classic college blow tube.
Lol I’m pretty sure agentpoyo was refer-ing to nicotine vapes.
I thought that too. The nicotine ones get flavored and scented with all sorts of stuff.
My Oreoz vape tastes nothing like lmao.
Yes, they taste like they smell. Essentially, all a nicotine vape is made of is polypropylene glycol and/or vegetable oil mixed with food additives to create the flavor, and then nicotine of course. All you’re doing is steaming the flavors. It’s not much different from boiling the stuff on your stove and breathing it in.
I also think it is pretty funny watching movies set in the 70’s or 80’s and actual movies from the 70’s and 80’s. Actual movies set in that time period, everyone smokes. I was watching Lethal Weapon the other day and the scene when they are walking through the police station is about as real as it gets. Blue haze hanging over everything and everyone with a dart on their desk. Exactly how I remember it growing up. Hell, in my small town, you could smoke in the hospital well into the 90’s.
They should legalize weed everywhere and make cigarettes illegal, or maybe just make them only legal on your own property, tax the effing hell out of them to make them only for the truly rich and stupid! No offense to those who still smoke though, most of my family still smokes and I like to remind them all the time they stink and they’re going to have health problems if they keep at it!