Posting Images?

Just to spite Poyo I’m posting nothing but pictures of my fat cats now.

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That’s fine… I’ll flag them all and make you moderate them!

Ew, never mind. I’ll just post, “Sunny,” memes as I did in the other thread.

One more stupid question. How do I link an image from another site like imgur? Do I just use the Image tag?

If the URL ends with the image extension ( eg. ) is the best way… but make sure the image isn’t over 1MB there as well because the forums will auto download images, resize so even if the URL goes away, they’ll still display the image.

@agentpoyo On a side note, I’ve changed nothing on my end and have really good internet and such, but in about the last 30 days or so, it takes a very noticeable difference in times relative to uploading pictures. I used to keep the image right on the edge of cut off size, but even reducing it down to a very minimal size it is taking a very, very long time. Doesn’t make a big difference-no biggie, but just an fyi if that is a sign of something going on behind the scenes differently.


Just uploaded this one, was meer milliseconds for me to upload from computer… hmmm…

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@agentpoyo Good to go then. Just something on my end I guess then. Figured I’d mention it just in case.

Maybe so. It’s always hard to diagnose until more of the masses start having the same issue.

We’re gonna start a tech service company that @agentpoyo runs and call it, “Tech support heating up.”