PSA to all storage renters

Appreciate it, if your unit is not on the first floor and the elevator requires an access code, then you’re in great position.

I couldn’t agree with you more, bring back the hard line laws for a year and take away any rights you have if you commit a crime, let’s see how quickly the amount of crime decreases.

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Defunded is the wrong word. Defund means “to prevent from continuing to receive funds”.

Austin’s police budget was reduced, and those funds were directed towards community programs that help the citizens. The Austin police were not ‘defunded’. If they were ‘defunded’, there would be no patrols, or police for that matter. The police budget had been reduced to more accurately reflect the desires of the people who pay the taxes. Austins police budget was reduced to $292 million. $292 million is not ‘defunded’. :man_shrugging:

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" to stop providing money or as much money to pay for something:"
“Defund the police means many things to many people,” said Arjun Singh Sethi, adjunct professor of law at Georgetown Law School. At its most basic, “defund the police” means reallocating money from policing to other agencies funded by local municipalities. Advocates are split on the question of how far it should go: whether to reduce funding and reform some aspects of policing, or completely abolish police forces as we know them.

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The police should not be the people we send on every call. That’s “defunding” the police to me and it works. The allocate less funds to the police who have to respond to a domestic issue that isn’t necessarily violent and puts it into programs to send the proper people to handle the situation.

Like when I have to call 311 or 911 on a noisy neighbor partying at 3am, send someone trained and specialized on how to handle the people to make them understand. You just send a guy with a gun, most people respond differently when it’s just cops over others actually trained in the situations. Leave the police to patrolling the roads and the more violent crimes going on around the city I say.

I live in Austin and I think it’s safe here. Most of the crime is petty theft that people are focusing on since our city doesn’t seem to know how to handle the increasing homeless population cause they’re a bunch of turds who just want the problem to go away magically I think by forcing them out from under the bridges.

Defund police? My vote is Yes. Throw more of those funds to parties trained in handling the situations we throw at police who aren’t trained in such situations, My vote is a Hell Yes!

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That is the term they are using.

Problem is every call can turn deadly. There are a lot of crazy people out there.


Yeah so in some situations if they feel there could be a threat of violence, you have the person trained and you got a cop along with them as backup. No need to send 5 squad cars in some situations like they love to do.

Also, being a cop is dangerous but I think at one time, it was more dangerous being a cab driver or a convenience store clerk. More cab drivers were being killed yearly than police officers.

I respect the police, I applaud them for all the shit they have to deal with but I just don’t think we need as many as we think we need.

School teacher buy supplies out of their own pockets while tanks are being purchased for large sums

In 2018, police officers were 22nd on the list of most dangerous profession. :wink:

It’s more dangerous being a crossing guard… :frowning:

I just was saying it will be dangerous. I would not want that job responding to someone’s house armed or disarmed. I drove a bus in NYC and got attacked a few times.

I would imagine some of these trained people are carrying a sidearm depending on the type of calls they’re trained to respond to.

Being a bus drive like a cab driver is dangerous. If you really want a good chance of dying while working, become a logger… :wink:

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True, that’s a better way to phrase it. Either way, the police threw a tantrum, and now the COVID governor passed a law that cities cannot defund or reallocate police money. Even worse, a corrupt organization called Save Austin Now is trying to get more money into the police.

It sucks that OPs storage unit was vandalized, but that would’ve happened regardless of current police sentiments. Police are good for dealing with crime after the fact, not preventing it (unless we get into a society like Minority Report).

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If Minority Report was true… I’d already be jailed for my thoughts alone… haha!

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A lot of the police here in Austin are just worthless (not all but they certainly have different priorities). I loved how they threw their hissy fits yet even before that they didn’t do shit most of the time. I swear I’d see people running red lights while patrol cops are at the intersection and they’d do nothing, probably playing on their damn phones (sorry, I’ve now been in 2 accidents involving red light runners and one of them I was close to death, so I really despise people who run red lights to shave seconds off their damn commutes).

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Or a Maritime worker, our fatality rate is higher than any other industry (based on man hours worked we are 2 to 3 times more dangerous than any other profession).

I sent you a PM, I’m not sure if you received it or not. I have insight into the Self Storage industry.

Also, if you purchased the Storage company’s insurance it SHOULD pay you out enough to cover the deductible on your private homeowner or renters insurance policy.

Unfortunately a lot of self storage contracts have clauses in them that say valuables should not be stored, nor should belongings totaling over $5,000. It’s fairly unrealistic, but in this day and age of “I have a signed piece of paper!!!” it is what it is.

Also, every self storage facility is different. They are built very differently, and honestly until recently the Self Storage industry was about 85% small business / mom& pop owners. What Public Storage does is they swoop into a marker, toss a few million bucks at mom & pop and then take over the facility. One of the first things Public Storage does is turn off the door alarms if they’re present. Why? My guess is plausible deniability. If they don’t hear an alarm then there is no reason for them to go check and take action.

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Thanks, I hadn’t looked, just replied to it.

Regardless of what the professor thinks that ‘defunded’ means, the term ‘defunding’ doesn’t mean to give people/groups money. If the Austin police reallocated some of the police budget, saying that they ‘defunded’ the police is misleading at best, and inaccurate at worst. A police force who has an annual budget of $292 million is not a police force who has been defunded. :man_shrugging: