It’s true.
There is only 1 store out of the 4 that I frequent every Wednesday where I feel 100% comfortable. It’s a “mom and pop” / “hole in the wall” type shop that is 40+ minutes away from my home - the owner is super cool and I’ve had these very conversations with him - in regards to Diamond’s lousy shipping methods and the struggle of finding minty books in the wild.
Also, yesterday, I noticed at this same shop that I’m not the only one that takes their time scanning book condition prior to purchasing - I ended up striking up a conversation with the other two customers at the shop when I was there because I could tell that they were doing exactly what I was doing. Both dudes shared my frustrations around the current state of new raw books in the wild.
Unfortunately, I walked out of this shop with only two books - 9.2s maybe if I’m lucky. I would not have normally purchased such books, but I couldn’t walk out of that shop without giving that awesome store owner some business/money. In a perfect world, I would’ve been able to walk out with 2 (9.6 - 9.8) copies of each book that I wanted to buy and call it a day.
The other 3 shops are 3 locations that belong to a single company.
1 is just outright the worst and I’m super uncomfortable every time I’m in there when the manager is there, however this one is the closest to home (20 minutes).
The manager and I got off on the wrong foot because the first time I met him was after I had called in to ask if they had a book available - they did and he offered to hold it for me so I said sure (just in case they sell out before I got there), however once I arrived I walked over to the rack and saw several copies of the book in question just sitting, so I did my usual and picked out what I thought was the best one.
Now, I could’ve just purchased this book and walked out of the store and that would’ve been the end of it - this guy didn’t know who I was, but instead I thought it would be best to identify myself as the dude that called earlier and tell him that he no longer had to hold the book behind the counter for me since I already picked one out on my own.
And dude… this guy, though he kept his cool, was visibly SO UPSET that I picked out a copy on my own instead of taking the one that he held behind the counter for me… over something so trivial! I felt so bad that I apologized to him multiple times - looking back, I shouldn’t have apologized at all, but whatever.
I also walk into these stores with my own bag and boards - he looks at me all suspiciously when I do this and has even asked me to confirm that they’re just bag and boards after walking in. Like dude are you serious?
Anyways, I’ve tried to start small talk with him here and there to have him loosen up and it kind of helps but his vibes are still a little off and every time I ask him a question in regards to whether a book was sold out or just not ordered the tone in his response is always a little off.
As for the other 2 stores that belong to this same umbrella/company - they’re better but not great. Better in that the managers are awesome, however each has at least 1 employee that gives off the same vibes as the manager in store #1.
To be frank, if this is what I have to deal with going forward and if the next few online orders that I have on deck don’t end up being more minty than not, I’ll likely call it quits after only being back in the game for a month or so. I’m sure I could find something else to spend ~ $100 a week on, and I’ll eventually get around to reading what I want to read via some digital avenue online.