Robin King 1st App?

Just got an email from Unknown that my 24 copies of Legends are out for delivery :open_mouth: I’ll update once I get them… I’ll be impressed if all 24 are in the box.

I just got my Legends from Midtown - finally. Condition looks good. :+1:

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Man, the prices sure have dropped on this…

The hype has settled no? Time for the long game… see what the character does…how the story turns out… and if he has longevity right? Isn’t that how it goes


Yeah, but that was expected. I am a collector first so long holds I don’t mind. These issues will dry up and eventually someone will come looking for them.

It’s what happens when you have quick flipping speculators buy up all the copies and then flood the market. I anticipated this and that’s why I only bought a handful for the the long term hold at this point and hope this character sticks around with popularity.

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Yeah, but I expect them to rise over time as a lot of buyers realize their multiple cover price orders won’t be fulfilled, and as the character develops further.

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DC will use the living shit out of Robin King just like they have with BWL. There are tons of A covers but the 1:25 will absolutely heat up again when his one shot drops and then as he gets more usage in DCU it will climb. That’s Just how the cookie crumbles. GOD THAT BATMAN TRAILER THO!!!

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I lost track of how many I have…I had them coming in from poor boy, tall man comics, MCS, Midtown, and 4 more from my LCS. Probably had about 25 copies…sold 12…mostly presales so that Basically paid for my stock.

Ironically I have more of Thor #6…but 20 of those from comixzone for $1 ea…and the rest were below cover. Been selling those off pretty quickly at $5ea plus shipping. Not bad as I make $2.50 profit on each sale…

Justice League #52s are limit one at graham wonder if anything is in it.

Interesting. Not a Death Metal Tie in yet either.

Limit of 25 at Midtown.

The end of the guide book said continued in justice league 53 but I bet they sneak the next 1st in another One-Shot or mini series.

Yeah I got 53 on preorder only 2 copies though as it was a gamble on what would be in it. What’s in 52?

What character would it be anyway? Omega Knight? Ghost Maker?

If anyone is looking to buy DNDM Legends, now might be the time. EBay prices seem close to a bottom from looking at the data.

Still the king thread here.

1063 and counting.

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But only like 9.6k views, TFAW Variants has 21+k views… so, how do you measure king with different types of stats?

Stop trying to pad the numbers.

I’m still sitting on all my copies of death metal 2 and legends except for one of each that I sold.