Scout Comic Tags. What to think of it?

You can own as much digital stuff as u want until an EMP or solar flare wipes it out….

Isn’t there a massive solar wind that’s supposed to hit this comic sunday or monday?

Haha, not sure…I just saw this special on how they are engraving some shit with nanotechnology to back up the entire planets wiki sites and data, and then crash landed it on the moon. Now they are trying to make another backup inside a cave. The data is placed on these disks that are like nickel or something? Real doomsday stuff…

I digress…

I read about a cave somewhere full of seeds in case the Earth almost gets wiped out too.

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Circling back to this. I did a Twitter contest to give away two sets. Colossal failure of a give away. First person who responds to this wins.


Someone? Anyone? Just say me

me plz :heart:

Me too? For the other set?

Hm…I was wondering what happened to the Twitter contest. I responded to that contest o. Twitter, but didn’t hear anything afterwards. Maybe I missed the result of it. Congrats to those who got it. :+1:

Only three people liked the post and one shared it. Overall kind of a bust. I tried contact two of the three who liked it and they have messages turned off so I couldn’t contact them. I did hit the third up for their address and are waiting to hear back. Speaking of which I need to check Twitter.

Thank you for the set. I wasn’t expecting to get this many. They are very easy to redeem. :grinning:

Nice. Congrats. Glad they got them out to you. I have a cool giveaway coming up this weekend.