SD comic shops

Hey all. I’ll be making my first trip to San Diego this week and always looking to pop into comic shops. Does anyone have any stores in SD that they suggest? Thanks!

@Gbess might be a good source!

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2 shops that I recommend.

One is Comics-n-stuff. Both El Cajon and Chula Vista location as they have the most inventory. Sometimes their prices are a little high and sometimes you can score big.

The other one is Southern California Comics. They have a huge selection of Silver and Bronze age comics. The Owner Jamie is very knowledgeable and even has his own book about the comic industry. This is one of the first shops I went to when I first moved to SD. Other then San Diego Comix which closed down a while ago.

Check them out. At least for me, those are the 2 I go to.


I would think @Louie would also be another good source.

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@Gbess Thanks!

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Sorry just saw this. I agree with comics n stuff or comickaze

I checked out a number of shops. Southern California Comics, Comickaze, and TC Rockets were all very successful. Now or Never seemed like a nice shop but just didn’t anything I was looking for. Yesteryear was alright but too much of a mess to move through freely. Nuclear comics was too new (and had signs admitting that), so it will be one to check out during a later visit. Thanks to @Gbess and everyone for help with it.

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I used to do business at TC Rockets from when it first opened till about a 1.5 years ago. They started to play the secondary price game. So I removed my pull from them. Maybe they changes?

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Yesteryear is on my “NEVER TO DO BUSINESS WITH AGAIN” lol.

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A lot of books at TC Rockets were definitely priced up due to the secondary market, but there were a decent number of deals to be found. I picked up my first 2 slabs there as well as an Avengers 129 for $10 and VF Cap 354 for $12.

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