SDCC 2024 Exclusives

They’ll repurpose art to save money anytime they can. Her current series is tied to this to some degree. I know O.B. is in it but haven’t skimmed anything other than issue 1.

Fantastic Four panel exclusive comic for $30…

X-Men #1 panel exclusive variant


Anybody get those trading cards for me? I will give you monies if you get me two packs.

I tried every day. They where sold out of them by 2pm yesterday. The line would cap like crazy. Sorry man. Maybe some else got you a set. But I failed lol

Incoming news…?

new Instagram account


So Giancarlo Esposito is playing…Sidewinder…


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hmmmm…interesting…as in, that is out of left field…and lame…

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I appreciate you tried and the fact you even thought of me—makes me happy you even tried cuz I appreciate the effort. We’re a good group here!

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Oh man yesterday was crazy. My wife and my youngest have been going to the Minecraft booth since Thursday to get some dragon figure. I guess figure gives you a DLC for some wings in the game. Well, resellers are going crazy and want this figure. It is relling 4-5× the asking price. And they are splitting the amount of figures being handed out. For morning and afternoon. Man oh man. Yesterday in the afternoon, people rushed when the booth opened and they had to get security to control the situation. At leat from what my wife told told lol.

So yeah. Thats where we will be heading this morning lol


I don’t miss the conventions at all reading this… I don’t like huge crowds and most of the types pushing others out of the way over stuff. Hope you’re having fun though…


I generally don’t enjoy huge conventions but I love little shows or you can just go and buy some comics.

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This is why I gave up at SDCC.
For years and years and years I’d go on Preview Night; hit every booth, purchase any and all the exclusives I desired (subject to maximums). Image, IDW, Skybound, Dark Horse, JSC. (Graphitti and Marvel were always a bit more of a challenge, but still do-able). I’d come back to my hotel in San Diego with more comics than I could even carry. It funded my entire trip for years with the sales I’d make

However, Last time I was there (last year) I stood on that effin Skybound line for what seemed to be an eternity on Preview night. It didn’t freakin move. What a colossal waste of time for 1 or 2 exclusives I could turn around for $125 - $150 and not be able to hit any other booth either.

So I’m done as of last year. I have no problem standing on a line for 10 - 20 mins. But I was wrecked by that Skybound line last year. The DC line I could see in the distance last year was even worse. God knows what Marvel and Kith looked like initially


Yeah! Last year was bad. This year I was able to get everything on my list by Thursday with some small pending items by Friday morning.

Yeah some places where capped like crazy but nothing to crazy. Thats why you either move on and say I’ll be back of F!&@IT! And dont get it.

Good thing some people here on the forum didnt want any panel or crazy exclusives.

So thank you guys!!!

Over all, I had fun and my wife and youngest had fun. And my oldest had fun in spirit since he’s at college lol.


I heard this year was better than last because Hall H returned so everyone is back waiting for that instead of show floors.


This makes alot of sense. Good point

This was listed as a SDCC book but was not actually on-site, instead sold as Insider exclusive.

For those interested in the Ashcan for the new Energon Universe GI Joe line that will start in November.