Secret War #1 - Lucia von Bardas MCU

Rumors are swirling that Lucia von Bardas will make it to the MCU.

First appearance is in Secret War #1 (2004) which is a dirty cheap book currently.

This info was passed along by @Anthony by Mel who are recording Drunken Chat Son tonight.

Anthony pushed this update on the main site as well.

Because you were fighting with me about putting it on the main site. Lol.

I wasn’t fighting… I was asking where you wanted it first… :wink:

This is a funny one. I was informed through another group that Lucia’s appearance in SW1 is not actually her. It’s an image of her on a S.H.I.E.L.D. computer file.

She then appears in SW4…as a Doom-bot.

Then she appears in SW5…in a flashback.

Not exactly a great 1st appearance, if any of those issues would actually be considered an appearance (computer image, Doom-bot and flashback).

Yeah, I’m staying away from this on.

Although the dell Otto Spidey cover for issue 1 is worth having in the PC.

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At least the conversation here is decent. Meanwhile over on the main site it is out of hand ridiculous. Thanks for being civl guys

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Just read the comments on the main site and WOW. People sure are taking it to another level.

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What’s funny is when people think they have first amendment rights when it comes to commenting on websites (which are privately owned)… Ummm… CHU is owned by Anthony. His house, his rules. When you load CHU, you are now in The United States of Anthony. He’s the owner, dictator, president, vice president, the cabinet, the supreme court… he’s anything he wants to be in the CHU World… and I’m just his lackey who shovels all the shit around for him.

Think of it this way when you are invite to someone’s house. If they tell you as you enter you’re not allowed to say the F bomb or you have to leave and you say the F bomb, they have every right to kick you out of their house. There’s no ifs, buts or whatever…

Okay, back on topic. I didn’t mean to drift but I share @Anthony’s pain cause I’m playing cleanup and babysitter from time to time myself.

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True that!!!

I know you’re joking, but you are just as important 8j keeping this well oiled machine moving.

Thank you both for everything you do.that just needs to be said once in a while.

No seriously, he made me catch a flight to Maryland and made me spread manure around his yard to fertilize it… :stuck_out_tongue:

I am still pissed you missed a spot.