Selling comics Raw vs Slabbed

Star Wars is the double black diamond of name spelling.



Honestly for a modern where there are so many higher grades than yours someone is likely to want to read it or enjoy handling it as there’s low risk of lowering it more. Otherwise most should be looking for 9.0 and up for slabs of this book.

So I don’t think you’re going to get much return out of slabbing. unless you’re concerned about scamming or damage during shipment or want to sell it through a third party like mycomicshop or comiclink. But they sell raw too but I hear they are really tough and conservative on grading.


I was doing the math for the cost per slabbed book for 10 Modern books to be graded and pressed by CBCS and sold on ebay individually to make profit. I’m assuming there will be no Texas combined sales tax from CBCS, and I am using my own states combined sales tax where needed. I came up with a cost of ~$65 per slabbed book if I go with Fedex 2nd Day Return CBCS shipping with the added Ebay fee. So in order to make profit I would need to sell the slab for more than $65. Feel free to poke holes through everything to drive costs down for 10 books.

Sending to CBCS Costs
10 Raw Books $45.00
Shipping 10 Books $12.78
Insuring 10 Books $10.51
Grading 10 Books $160.00
Pressing 10 Books $120.00
Selling on Ebay Costs
Shipping Mats $5.00
Insuring 10 slabs $37.93
Shipping 10 slabs $127.77
($2500 value insured) CBCS Shipping Costs/Book After Ebay 12.55% +0.3 fee/book
Fedex Overnight Return $71.00 $59.00 $66.70
Fedex 2nd Day Return $58.00 $57.70 $65.24
Fedex Ground Return $41.00 $56.00 $63.33
($1000 value insured)
Fedex Overnight Return $66.00 $58.50 $66.14
Fedex 2nd Day Return $53.00 $57.20 $64.68
Fedex Ground Return $36.00 $55.50 $62.76
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