September 1st appearances July’s previews

Superman #25 1st Synmar
ASM #49 legacy#850
Wonder Woman #762 1st Liar Liar
Empire Aftermath Avengers #1
Fantastic Four Antithesis #1, #2 Negative zone Galactus
Immortal Hulk #0, #37
Venom #28
Captain America #24 IronCap
Can’t really tell what’s going on in Metal

Some of the covers for September including a nice Miles incentive variant.


That’s a female iron cap, right? Is there speculation who it will be?

Maybe Steve Rogers wears lipstick now

Looks more like Iron Patriot… with Cap’s shield… let’s put some Pussy Cat ears on her and call her Captain Iron Panther Patriot… but CIPP for short…

Maybe something will finally happen in Spidey…boring, draggy book. Alluding to this new Kindred character since the 1st issue. Book has been a standby on my pull list forever…actually considered stopping it.

Agreed. This ASM run by Spencer has been immensely boring. It feels like it’s written for 14 year olds. 40+ issues of ‘good’ Boomerang. Zzzzz

Spencer is either completely on his game or completely off… It’s like there is no in between for him.

I made a blog post about how Spencer was either incredible or terrible years ago and it is true to this day.

That’s from 2013. It is accurate STILL!

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Ah yeah, I recall reading that on your blog and yes, its spot on. :+1: