Thought it would be fun to create a shot in the dark spec book thread for books that are cheap to pick up and have a shot at being relevant at some point for a 1st appearance, artist milestone, cover art, or whatever. If you do post a book, it should be cheap (relative to the era) and easily attainable. Also throw in a small blurb as to why.
I’ll start with:
Amazing Scarlet Spider #2
Cost: Under $5
Reason: 1st app of Joystick. Character on the cover. With spider-verse, you never know. We’ve heard of Scarlet Spider rumors, so why not a character from within his stories? She was briefly a member of the Thunderbolts but betrayed them because she’s not exactly a good guy. Look out for newsstand copies.
I’ve bought waaayyyyy to many of this. I think I’ve mentioned it before though too. Cheap book.
Avengers #350.
Sersi and Dane (Black Knight) get all hot & heavy for the 1st time.
I think Sersi & Dane are going to be a huge deal in the MCU moving forward. This is a great book with regards to their relationship.
They didn’t cast Gemma & Kitt to leave em on the sidelines.
The order Volume 2 #1 featuring the first appearances of a bunch of characters. Very cheap as copies online aren’t worth much but also a ton of people don’t even know about this series. And every speculators favorite phrase “YA NEVER KNOW”
Now is the best time to buy Inhumans stuff because it is ice cold after that TV show everyone hated but the FF is coming and that’s where the Inhumans were introduced in #45 which then led into the Galactus story in #49 where the Inhumans appear as well.
With the success of The Boys, Invincible and other adult-themed material, I’d probably look at long running independent comic series that have a strong chance of coming to screens.
Saga is probably too expensive, but I think it has never been more likely that we will see something like that. I think the door has been opened. Others might include Savage Dragon, Lumberjanes, Paper Girls. May be a little late to get on the SIKTC train, but that’s the stuff I’d be looking at.
If the next Guardians of the Galaxy has the High Evolutionary in it I would expect to see some of the Ani-Men in it. Doubt it will be huge spec but anything that gets thrown in a Marvel movie or show always gets hot and first comic appearances always spike, short or long term.
I have absolutely no spec basis for why I like this issue, but X-Factor #71, first appearance of the X-Factor team of Polaris, Madrox, Havok, Guido and Wolfsbane. Just seems like a weird enough team to have a lot of fun making something out of. $3
X-treme X-men #6-7, first appearance of Heather Cameron/Lifeguard. She has the ability to sense danger to human life, her own or another persons, and manifest whatever powers are necessary to save said life. Just a kick-ass power that would be fun to see on the big screen. $3
I have been collecting reprints of the original Star Wars comics. They reprinted the first 5?? Issues in 1977 and they are still relatively cheap at the moment. issue 2- 1st Han Solo, Chewbacca- are still cheap too in that Reprint version. There are also Whitman Variants-I don’t know how many issues, but I’ve been collecting cheap copies of issue16- 1st Beilert Valance - of the Whitman Variant.
Peter Parker Spectacular spider-man 1 from 2017. First appearance of Teresa Parker Spider-mans sister whose a secret agent. Tons of cheap copies cover and below so maybe worth grabbing some