Something is Killing the Children, Story Arc #2

For those that follow SIKTC (aren’t we all?), issue 15 is the last issue of the first arc, and 16 kicks off a new story in May after a brief hiatus. It’s been revealed that the new story will focus on Erica’s origin, and covers A and B have been revealed.

I like how the B cover is Frison’s call back to issue #1’s B cover.


I’m just glad the new arc is revealed and I don’t have to worry about spoiling it accidentally when talking about the comic haha

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You mean talking about the TFAW variant…:wink:

Nice. Been patiently waiting for the origin story

Will order cover B once it goes up, will go with Cover B of #1

Actually wasn’t Frison’s #1 cover C (FOC variant)?image

This is cool. Cover A is obviously a spin on issue #1 cover A as well. Touche.

Yep. You’re correct. This was actually the C cover. The Jae Lee was the B.

With a 2-3 month break between issues, a ton of crazy red hot store exclusives, and these two incentives (1:25 and 1:50), issue #16 might be the highest print run to date for the series.

Issue 9 felt like a brief origin. I can’t wait to get the Frison cover to put next to my #1 Frison.

Free comic book day


you stole that from Mr Bolo !!


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Issue 16 is the last issue Boom is having store exclusives for, and, well, it’s going out with a bang. From my count, there are already 12 exclusives announced for this issue. What’s the record for exclusives on one issue?!

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