Spawn #310 Look Ahead

And I’m calling bullshit… there are not 50 people on his team to create one Spawn issue.

If you count his PA, which I’m going to assume is Personal Assistant… really? You think she fetching his coffee and whatever other mundane tasks she likely does for Todd is important to each Spawn issue? Let’s get real man… seriously? Not to knock personal assistants and their job roles but that’s just nonsense if you’re going to argue that to make the case for the count of 50… sigh!

Well, the number ‘50’ is moot and arbitrary. The initial point was that Todd is not the only one who makes a living off of creating Spawn comics. That number could be 10, and my initial premise still holds true. So, you are calling bullshit on an arbitrary number, and not the premise of the argument. In fact, your post showing 10 different names proved my point that Todd is not the only one who makes a living off of creating Spawn books.

But come on… you saw a Youtube video where he said 50 people help make Spawn comics… with no other details. Now you’re just blowing hot air to defend what you saw and can’t even find now, when the credits inside the book say otherwise. Not even sure where you pulled the 12 people either… maybe it reached that amount on an issue but probably rarely.

Yes, when pointed out that it’s total nonsense. If it’s arbitrary, why did you bring it up? If it’s moot, why mention it?

Yes, cause you brought it forth as some type of fact but changing the tune after the fact that it’s complete and utter bullshit.

And my initial statement was not in full context. I know Todd isn’t the only one making money from creating Spawn products. My intent in the statement was he’s the head honcho, milking the Spawn cash cow.

I just get the sense you seem to take it personal when someone dogs the guy. You don’t know him, why does it bother you so much when we point out his flaws? Nevermind, don’t answer that. This is beating a dead horse now…

Soooo did anyone preorder 310 yet? :thinking:


Todd McFarlane is a great artist and great entrepreneur but he sucks at new character design. You all credit him for Venom but Venom is really just a proxy of a much older DC character Parasite and the foundation for Venom was already being laid down by other writers and artists for 50+ books prior between the 3 Spider-Man series of the time. Spawn is just Ghostrider wearing a Spider-Man mask and Superman cape! If bad cosplay gets you rabid for McFarlane that’s your own problem and your own money you are spending. Sure I dig the HBO cartoons, the Spawn movie of the past, and the video game appearances but that’s the extent of my Spawn fandom. His toy company is great they have revolutionized toys for adults, his comic publishing company is great and survived recessions, his artwork is great love the Spidey and Wolvie covers he had done in the 90s, his character design is horrible and this is why he should of stuck it out over at Marvel using his art on newly created Marvel characters he would be the guy in charge today of Marvel comics and Marvel films.

What I love about McFarlane aside from his 90’s covers, is his swagger. He didn’t allow himself to become a corporate slave and took a major risk and ventured out on his own. And not only did he succeed, but he literally changed multiple industries and upped the bar that we all enjoy today.

This guy wouldn’t be happy running Marvel. He would still be controlled. He needs his own sandbox.

The guy grew up in a trailer park. He is the epitome of being an American. He proves that we all control our own destiny and can achieve our dreams through passion and hard work.

Here’s an awesome documentary about him:

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But one could also argue, would he be where he’s at today without his days at Marvel, who gave him a shot at boosting his own self image within Marvel? Remember, this is the guy who got rejected like 700 times on his submissions until someone finally gave him a chance…

Sure he went on to bigger and better things after Marvel but it was Marvel that got him going in the right direction. I wouldn’t necessarily say he did it all his own, he was making a million bucks a year the last few years at Marvel. :wink:

You know he’s Canadian right?

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I was expecting this comment lol. He lives in America. He’s an American too.

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Sure, Marvel gave him the platform to propel from. I personally don’t think Image would exist if McFarlane didn’t work at Marvel first. But that’s not my point. It takes major balls to walk away from a job like that in search of creative freedom, especially if he was making a million a year back then.

McFarlane has my total respect.


Todd has lived the American dream, but ironically, he was not born or raised in America.

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Image announced that they’ll be overshipping Spawn 310 with a Cover D variant free to retailers.


@RipCityGamer Do you anticipate this being a preorderable ( is that even a word lol) item from the site?
Order most of my books through you all & as most know on here now, I’m a bit of a Spawn OCD type.

I’m not entirely sure since this was just announced. We don’t always make free overship things available on the site ahead of time mainly because there’s often no actual replacements if things are damaged with the freebies, and there are lots of cases where things are SUPPOSED to be sent to retailers but retailers get missed or skipped (see the Last Ronin ashcans, or some of the stores that missed out on the Negan Lives variants).

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I think there are a few of us that are :wink:.

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I want one.

Cool of them. Gotta hit my shop n ask about it.

In color

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I like it. But finding one will be tough.