Spawn #312 McFarlane Homage

If I was a shop, I’d give them away for free to anyone who actually buys the copies that qualify for a free copy. I wouldn’t charge people for them.

And I see it as more of bust’n the guys chops… and to make @jclu 's panties knotted up when he reads it. :wink:

That defeats the whole purpose of doing it though. They are doing it to give shops some extra income due to the struggles this year. So if the shops give them away, it defeats the whole purpose image is doing it.

Is there a self service aspect in that may lead to additional sales as the shops chase more copies, sure. But that’s the shops choice to do so. They can do nothing extra and still get 20% free books that they then can charge $5-10-15 for.

Win win.

I guess my winky at the end went unnoticed as being just a sarcastic ass… hmmm… maybe I should make the emoji’s much bigger… and more noticeable. :wink:

But if the shops are getting them for just ordering, nobody is making them sell to customers. So shops could just give them away as a reward to the customers who bought enough copies to qualify for the free copy. :slight_smile:

I just assume that was glass in your eye from the broken lightbulb.


@RipCityGamer any chance you guys will have the Spawn 312 1:5 virgin up? FOC is Monday. I know it’s tough with these short windows.

Funny. I only correct your Toddfather hate boners, @agentpoyo, because I want to hear you with your knotted panties. :wink:

Jokes on you, @Anthony took all my panties so I’ve gone commando for the better part of the last 9 months now… I think he took them to sniff late at night when his wife isn’t looking. He’s a freak like that…

They are figurative panties, Poyo.

Ummm… but when he took them from me, they left panty burns on my hands… so explain that mister figuratively speaking man… :wink:

Easy. I started with figurative panties, and was not referring to the literal panties that Tony took from you. Two different groups of panties, Poyo.