Spec on Malibu comics

Hey Forum Fam!

I was curious to get your opinion on the Malibu comic universe as possible speculation. I was looking at Goodwill auctions and saw a collection of the full run of The Ferret comics, which sparked me to do some reading. Marvel bought Malibu comics but they have not done anything with the IP, and they can’t discuss why because of an NDA. The prevailing theory is that the original owners would still need a percentage of any profit on new productions, but with the amount of money Marvel is pulling in, especially with Disney, why wouldn’t this eventually be something that happens? Guardians of the Galaxy was a bit of an oddball for mainstream audiences and now everyone loves it. I’m not talking about dumping a ton of money into all Malibu comics, but surely if there’s a lot for cheap, it’s no-harm-no-foul, right? Please talk me out of this idea!


Maybe pick up some Kickers Inc, NFL SuperPro or Boof and the Bruise Crew. They’re all better investments than anything Malibu imo.

Did you just recommend a super hero book about a football kicker holy sh!t🙊 the Malibu Suns are what you want besides the Spawn one there’s Wildcats, Youngblood, Pitt, Supreme, Savage Dragon, Wildstar, Ferret, Cyber Force, Shadowhawk

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Thanks to your question I was able to find a couple Malibu Sun #19 1st Pitt for $8 each after shipping they go for a decent amount.

I believe he was speaking of the Malibu line of comics from the 90’s. Titles like The Ferret, Hardcase, Protectors, Ex Mutants, Firearm, etc. Which is a completely different thing than the Malibu Sun Promo comics. Which is why I recommended the crap titles.


If Marvel doesn’t get 100%, Disney will not develop it, imo. Why would they when they have a roster of 1000s of characters to develop, and they will get 100% of any income. M2c.

Malibu put out some great comics. I loved Prime and Rune. Runs crossed over with Venom and features the first winged symbiote. It’s an odd history considering Malibu helped launch Image and then was later purchased by Marvel. Marvel characters crossed over into Malibu books and we had Juggernaut in the Exiles book (another great read) Spiderman in Prime. And then the line was folded. The characters are all creator owned and in order for Marvel to use them they would have to pay royalties to the creator/owners. I will say Jason Aaron slipped Rune’s skeleton into an issue of Thor a long while back.


Iv’e been slowly collecting early Malibu comics, the Ultraverse ones.

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I found a NM copy of venom rune for 60 cents a few weeks ago…

I have the #1s of a bunch of ultraverse titles. Hit me up if interested.

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