Some of these characters appear in the shadows in WOS #1, except for Gwen Goblin. She appears in full
You know what drives me crazy about these Spider-Man, Spider verse books? Simply keeping track of them, finding them, & keeping them in some organized fashion in my collection.
This will be yet another label
I agree with you. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with.
I see
Mutated Tarantula from 70’s
Fury the goblin Queen
Ultimate Mysterio
Gwen Goblin
Carolyn Trainer lady octopus
Venom 2099
Francine Fry Electro
Possibly Dreadface x 2 or Scriers
The Green-Gobbler
Red guy might be Ultimate Goblin
Ultimate lizard
Fire guy might be Equinox???
I gave up.
You’re right, it is fun making money while others snooze
LOL…making money ?? lol
Y’all are still reading Spidey books besides Ultimate?
Didn’t we tell you all the mute one another or we start pulling out the moderator stick?
Will Rick and Morty make a special guest appearance?
Great job! Now provide their official first appearance for each!
That’s where KCC comes in handy