Star Wars Comic Spec MEGATHREAD

Star Wars #25 1:50 Maleev

Appears to be available on TFAW again.

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only 501 being made

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Nice try LG. Even I’m not sucker enough for that.

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Oh, yeah? 25 of them are being manufactured with Wookiee fur on the stand.

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They really missed the mark by not having it make droid noises when you turn it on.

I need a lot of things in my life to be Star Wars. Tshirts, shoes, coffee mugs. I’m happy with my TVs though.

For those of you who collect manga, Volume 7 of Monthly Big Gangan was released recently and features a number of notable first appearances.

Similar to the previous issue, this volume contains a story from Star Wars: Visions as well as a continuation of The Mandalorian.

First up is the adaptation of the Star Wars: Visions episode of Lop and Ocho.

The Mandalorian story follows Din on his journey with him meeting The Armour in this issue.


Looks like it has Star Wars shaped plastic on the back you can’t see when it’s up against a wall, some red and blue rear-facing LEDS that you could buy for $20 at Walmart, and a Lightsaber cursor on the screen. Not exactly a couple grand’s worth of “special edition.”

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Yeah, the special edition packaging adds almost $1,000 to the price tag of the TV. 65" of the regular C2’s are around $2K right now (usually that price drops to $1500 or lower during the holidays or when they prep for the next model in Spring of the following year). Not worth the extra grand, IMO.

I have a 55" CX and a 77" C1. I’m likely to put the 55" into a smaller media room I’m working on, but when I saw this news break, I seriously thought…for a second… about trying to hunt one down. LG OLED’s are beautiful, but I’m not sure I could justify going to the lengths (explaining to my wife) and expense necessary to get one of these.

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My buddy works for LG. He texted me about this a few weeks ago and I didn’t think anything of it. I have video of when you turn on and turn off the screen. Not sure how to share here. It is pretty cool, but not worth going crazy over.

Easiest way is to just upload to youtube and share the link so it embeds here.

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There’s gotta be a hack for that. I have the Samsung Frames in my rooms with TVs. They display art when they’re off. I’m absolutely sure I could upload hi res Star Wars pictures and just have those hanging there.

I’m pumped for this. I never played the KOTOR games so I never got into Old Republic stuff. Excited to finally check it out.


One thing to remember is that Tales of the Jedi came out during the early 1990s under Dark Horse. Continuity in the period 1,000s of years before the Prequels was not a huge concern at that time. No Star Wars films had been released in 5-7 years and the Prequels were about the same amount of time off in the future. To a lot of people at the time, Star Wars was a dead comic license.

The aesthetic of the Old Republic under Miller and the Bioware games wasn’t yet fully developed either. So, reading these, try not to get whiplash from how different they appear from the rest of the Old Republic material. A lot of Tales of the Jedi is supposed to take place around a similar time as KOTOR and TOR, but it feels much, much different.

Still love it, though!


Interesting. They are giving some Freedon Nadd love. Looks like all my backstock purchases of Tales of the Jedi #2 will pay off after all.

No firsts revealed in the preview. Looks like a first cover for two characters on the Sliney connecting variant, however.

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