Whats his first full? Head to toe? Full body? I thought this was that? Maybe hes 3rd xover in total 1st helmut, 2nd a corner, 3rd this choose your destiny
people are always looking for something that might get hot. The helmet, well, if his essence is in there and his eyes glowed menacingly in one panel maybe Lando #3 will be called a cameo? Regardless, I found a 1:25 of issue three for cover price so why not.
I put together a speculation post based on a reddit comment from a “Penguin Random House” employee that I found interesting. It’s full on tifoil hat stuff from me but sounds plausible.
Sure thing. That dude is Vildar Mac.He’s a Jedi. He appears to be a Kiffar which is the same species as Quinlon Vos. The Twilek is his Padawan Matthea Cathley. She’s red. They both get into some mess on Jedha. That’s about all I know about them honestly.
Cover A has a bad guy in the background so that’s notable to me.
Seems like a female face, kind of a witch look… or joker-esque. It’s a very long chin but could be Porter Engle because he has that big beard covering it up when he’s older? He wouldn’t be my first guess though.