Star Wars: Crimson Dawn, A New Limited Series Focusing on Qi’ra

SW 47 Galactic is like Gwenpool’s first, cover only predating interior first appearance. Any article about Gwenpool’s first includes Deadpool’s Secret Wars #2. What is weird is Covrprice is the only website I have found that mentions #47 having any significance. CBSI had an article on true firsts without recognizing it and even earlyretirementdiary didn’t mention it in an article on her first appearance. Key Collector doesn’t list it, even under the variants for SW. As an open order variant we have no idea the % that was this variant but I would be surprised if it was a popular choice.

$40 book with 0% hype, we don’t see that often.


Key Collector added SW 47 today, coincidence?


I confirmed it to my satisfaction over the weekend and added it to

Another Galactic Icons cover to gobble up soon is Darth Vader #16, Enfys Nest. First cover appearance of Enfys Nest. It was published 5/9/2018. Her next cover appearance was Becket 1 8/2018.


Crimson Reign

Of course, this series continues Soule’s trilogy exploring Qi’ra’s continuing storyline. Qi’ra first appears in comics in Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1. She made a cover appearance earlier than this on Rod Reis’ Galactic Icons Variant for Star Wars #47. Qi’ra makes her first original comic book appearance (not a movie adapation) in Han Solo: Imperial Cadet #1

The Khoi Pham “Syndicate” variant for issue 1 shows some familiar faces that look like they will be getting more screen time (err, page time?) in Soule’s second arc of his post-ESB trilogy. We’ve got Chanath Cha, Ren, and Deathstick. These are all characters either created by Soule or fleshed out in comics primarily by Soule. So, we’ve got to assume he’s got plans in mind.

Deathstick made her first cameo in Bounty Hunters #13, then made her first full comics appearance in Bounty Hunters #14, with that same issue being her first cover appearance as well.

Deathstick is the daughter of the Nightsister witch, Shelish. She grew up in the Outer Rim territories and began as a street criminal. She gained notoriety through highly public assassinations of gang leaders. Deathstick had a run-in with the Empire which cost her the majority of her face which is why she wears the mask. She first appeared in the Kabam mobile game, Star Wars: Uprising. Shelish first appeared in a collection of short stories by George Mann called Myths & Fables.

Chanath Cha made her first appearance in Lando #2 and made her first cover appearance with unhelmeted face reveal inside Lando #4.

Ren , the renegade leader of the Knights of Ren, made his first appearance in The Rise of Kylo Ren #1. With Ren, of course, come the six Knights of Ren. Five of the six Knights of Ren are barely visible in an obscure silhouette, one panel, cameo in The Force Awakens Adaptation #4. A cameo of the group? Sure, but the individuals aren’t distinguishable.

Each member (Vicrul, Ushar, Trudgen, Kuruk, Cardo, Ap’lek, and Cardo) make distinguishable, recognizable cameos in The Rise of Kylo Ren #1. Trudgen is named in #1 with dialogue. Vicrul has dialogue in #1, but remains unnamed. Ren, Trudgen, Vicrul, Kuruk, and Ushar, make their first cover appearances on Cover A to The Rise of Kyle Ren #2. Ushar, Cardo, Vicrul, and Kuruk get dialogue in Issue #2. Ren names Vicrul in issue #3.

Doctor Aphra #16

This cover is actually a cool little nod to Domina Tagge’s first appearance in comics. If you’re into homage covers, you may want to pick up Star Wars #35 (Marvel 1977) along with this issue. We talked about this over here..

Life Day

Ok, so other than the ill-fated Holiday Special TV broadcast, Life Day (the Wookiee annual celebration) has had relatively few entries into Star Wars comics. It first appeared as a concept in comics in Russ Manning’s Star Wars #19, published July 15, 1979 in newspapers. This strip, the opening scenes of a story called “The Kashyyyk Depths”, was never actually reprinted in a traditional comic book format. @Anthony seems to have taken exception to this being the first appearance of Life Day. It recently made its way into the Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Newspaper Strips Volume 1, and IDW’s Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Comics Vol. 1 (5/9/2017).

These are all “Legends” comics, though. The first appearance of Life Day in Canon comics is Star Wars Adventures #3 (2020). Finally, Justina Ireland has confirmed that her Life Day story is centered on the High Republic era Wookiee Jedia, Burryaga Agaburry. While Burryaga has made featured appearances in High Republic novels and other books, he has one solitary, single panel, unnamed cameo in High Republic #1. If things, don’t change for Burryaga between now and November, Life Day could be Burryaga’s first full comic appearance.

Bounty Hunters #18

Looks like T’onga is assembling a team of Bounty Hunters including Tasu Leech. T’onga makes her first appearance along with her partner Losha Tarkon in Bounty Hunters #1. So far, this issue would be first cover appearance for both T’onga and Losha. Tasu Leech made his first comic appearance in Star Wars the Force Awakens Adaptation #2. He then makes another sequel-era appearance in Poe Dameron 9, and then appears during this original trilogy era in Bounty Hunters #8.