Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5- First Jodo Kast, First Thrawn?

DrunkWooky takes a look at the first appearance of Jodo Kast, impostor of Boba Fett in the 1995 Star Wars Galaxy #5. Also, is this the first appearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn?


these are ridiculously cheap. Worth getting one just to read.

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2019 Star Wars prices.


Pretty much. Glad I convinced myself to start buying a lot of the Star Wars book that I wanted prior to The Mandalorian being launched. I had a feeling it was only going to be the start.

Might as well count the Novel cover as Thrawn first appearance if youre going to call that a Thrawn appearance.


Thanks for sharing the great content Drunkwooky! There are some great articles on your webpage.

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I agree it’s a leap…

I don’t agree that previews like this should be counted as issues of primary significance for a character. It was meant more a tongue in cheek jab at the market for people paying $1000+ for Previews.

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Too late, I’m in the process of buying and as we speak… :wink:

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Don’t forget I’ve been looking into it and The Clone Wars cartoon has SOOOOOO MANY first appearances. Why is nobody talking about this?



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Target acquired.