Star Wars: The High Republic


Wow, that looks awesome

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Does anyone know why Sskeer was so upset at the end of #1? Also after reading #2, heā€™s obviously messed up but losing his arm seems like a stretch to be reason. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s more than that.

This all happened in Light of the Jedi. Sskeer was at the battle of Kur where a third of the Nihil fleet took on the republic fleet along with a squadron of Jedi Star fighters. During that battle, the Nihil uses their path engine to perform micro hyperspace jumps so close to the republic ships that they simply collided. Basically suicide tactics. Sskeer lost his closest fellow Jedi to that and his arm when a piece of a Nihil ship pierced his cockpit.

The Nihil were cornered, trapped without escape, and could have simply surrendered. There was no realistic way they could have won.

This is all to say that I think the senseless violence and loss of his friend has pushed Sskeer over the edge into rage and vengeance. He hates the Nihil. They really got to him.


A path to the dark side, that is.



Compared to how quickly issue #1 of High Republic sold out, did anyone have any trouble finding #2 as well as High Republic Adventures #1? My shop pulled both for me, but none were left on the shelf. Not hearing as much of a frenzy as last issue though.


At my lcs, #1 sold out early, and when I went yesterday afternoon around 5 pm they still had stacks of HRA#1 and HR#2 available. Not sure if they just increased their orders alot or the hype has died down.


Stacks of #2 and stacks of HRA #1. Multiple copies of all variants as well (although they price those fairly high so I expect them to be sitting).


I saw maybe a dozen HRSWA #1 out, but I didnā€™t see any HR #2s (I also didnā€™t look real hard either). I had mine in my box, but there werenā€™t any? for randoms.

I would think most stores would have increased orders on #2. Plus only one cover available probably meant most customers were not buying multiple copies.

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I wonder if this means the #2 second print will be under-ordered, with everyone having a stock of 1st prints around?

Ok, seeing as we like taking bets on what second printing covers from Marvel will look like, hereā€™s my bet for Star Wars High Republic #2 from the interior art available:


Agreeā€¦my LCS had ZERO copies of #1 on the shelf, but around 10 or so of #2 well into the afternoon.

Thatā€™s definitely a sweet page, but putting a dude getting chopped in half on the cover seems not-Marvel.

A lot of collectors chase #1 and never bother with books after the initial releaseā€¦ #2 will still likely have a smaller print run like most second issues fall victim too and since there was no real prominent firsts in the issue, people likely didnā€™t chase it either.


Yeah, both Terec and Ceret had near misses with death, so not sure how long Cavan will let them live. They seem like narrative fodder so far.

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Which is really too bad, entangled twins sharing a force connection would be a sweet story to explore. Itā€™s almost like a dyad but not quite and at the same time something more.

Did anyone else instantly think Xamot and Tomax when they saw the twins names and link?

Til now Joeā€™s had it easy
But now itā€™s gonna get real hard
Cobraā€™s hired, evil twin brothers
Leaders of the crimson guard

ā€œAh, my brothers in troubleā€
ā€œHow do you knowā€
ā€œI knowā€

Man that commercial is ingrained in my brain