Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Pre-Orders

It’s Marvel … so they will create an alternate universe where Boba Fett in black armor takes out Vader and rules the Empire.


They’d probably have to do a show for War of the Bounty hunters. It sucks that the new characters were killed off in Alpha.

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Well, the concealing his identity is a now a thing that worked once for Fett; you don’t give up on a tool in your toolbox. I could see them working it into an episode.


Yes please. Much better than death by sarlacc.


But then somehow loses his armor to a nobody on Tatooine in the Mandolorian? :crazy_face:

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He is going to do the one where Boba loses his feet.


And gets a sword.


Like just use it for stealth missions.

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He did use that tactical knife from his shin pockets in Alpha. I was happy to finally see that thing get some use.


I really enjoyed Alpha; I’m pretty excited about this event.


Same Alpha was good. I’m just on a Star Wars high right now. All Trilogy era and Clone wars bad batch is hitting for me. Enjoying High republic and Adventures I know the beat has to build up on those books for impact.


Yeah, you can’t say everybody was Gaga over Ahsoka back in 2006 ish. These characters need to develop with readers.

Alpha 1 was excellent. McNiven’s art is chef’s kiss.

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Sorry if it has already been mentioned, I’m not specing on the book so I’m completely outta the loop.

However, Anyone see the email from Izzy’s just sent now about misprint with SW: War of Bounty Hunters Alpha #1?
“Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha #1 came in and as I was going through them I could not find any trade dress for the book and it seemed like a lot more virgin copies. I then noticed one slight difference on them. The “trade dress” which does not have the title has the Marvel logo in the bottom left, and says Alpha 1 on it. I looked on ebay and saw physical copies from every other exclusive have the title on them. When you open my “trade dress” the page inside has the title on it. So mine is now what looks like a minimal trade dress. I do not know if Marvel is going to recall it, but until then I wanted to give you all a heads up!”



Not seeing this on any of these vendors sites.

pre order info isn’t out yet

Star Wars 14 JTC Action Figure variant.

Uuughhh :woozy_face::thinking: