I got to say it’s been sometime since I could put up a cover A of a store variant and sell it for 3x what I paid in no less than15 minutes incredibly. I haven’t sold comics in about 2 1/2 years but after listing the PS4, psvr, Xbox 1, switch, and all the games on Mercari because the pending new systems I said f*** it put up my two trade cover Venom #25 Horn variants and the Spidermen II #1 Turner SDCC cover A and B. First the game systems immediately sold which I was shocked since we are on the cusp of the new systems my Nintendo switch alone went for full price what I paid 2 years ago. This is mercari things use to take a month to sale and apparently a lot more people use it since I last did all that time ago. So I list the comics cover A’s I would be happy just to sell one because I got the virgins for those books. I’m forced to buy those A covers and use to be so hard to get rid of them lucky to get $10-$15 well these store variant cover A’s I listed instantly sold like wowzers. Also a little bonus as digging through my boxes for the Turner variants ran across one of my ASM #210’s and its gem mint I would be shock if it’s not a 9.8 I didn’t pull it out to look at the back cover yet though. Store variants I was real good at, and made a lot of money. I would get just as pissed as Rick if I didn’t get something that was hot😜 So are store variants back what do you think?
The main reason these books are ‘selling out’, imo, is because the artist is popular and the indie store variants typically have a lower print run. I would need to see a Marvel store variant (minimum 3000 printed) by Peach sell out before I would consider store variants to be relevant in any form. And it will take a few years, perhaps a decade or two, to see just how long these legs are on this round of ‘the next big thing’.
@alana I believe so, but I generally just think comics/collectibles/mass media are crazy hot in general. I realize the world is in a weird place, but I just really (in my own little area/observations/private bubble) haven’t seen a negative impact from the perspective of people buying “stuff”. There are many folks I know that actually have an insane amount more money than what they ever had before this COVID deal. I’m not making light of those going through tough times. I understand that side also exists. However, the whole $600 bucks on top of unemployment every single week…also put an awful lot of disposable income into an awful lot of pockets. Not to mention the stimulus. I absolutely know people who put that money into comics/fun stuff.
Sorry, I get wordy…so yes…variants are making a comeback…but hot books/FOMO books/classic characters and storylines…the demand is there and hasn’t gone away. There is very little that won’t sell. You also have an entire comic/collector community that isn’t spending money at conventions/cons/sporting events/concerts…that money is also being spent via online purchases right now.
People love buying up used game systems. I recall about a year or two back, the Wii was seeing sales above it’s original retail price.
Yup. I love buying game systems. Right now I’m looking for an original Nintendo. Hard to come by and when they are available, they are all beat up or to expensive. I’m a picky person when it comes to that.
Love the use of quotes. I sure do, “Love,” This, “Reprint.”
I am a Will Jack fan and considering getting that… but the raw set at 79?
They must be losing their minds with that pricing on the Will Jack set.
Screw that. Holding out for the foil facsimile…