TFAW 4th of July Sale

Tfaw is having their 70% off 4th of July Sale going on now.

1:10 Variants $3, 1:25 Variants $7.50, 1:50 Variants $15.

I will do a break down a little later today.

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But it’s the ninth now? It’s a little late. Why not just call it Christmas in July or something cute?

This is like day 5 of the sale. They normally run sales for a week I think.

Hey, if they can keep selling Mattresses for 4th of July Holiday days and weeks after the 4th ends… so can TFAW and any other shop out there… :wink:

Is the sale over? Seems like everything is back to $6 and up.

It ended yesterday I think.

It’s over, unfortunately.