TFAW Graphic Novel Sale

TFAW is having a huge graphic novel sale currently. Spend $50 or more and shippings free to U.S.

A few highlights I found:

Star Wars Age of Rebellion HC - 40% off

Batman City of Crime Deluxe Edition HC - 50% off

Star Wars Target Vader TPB - 40% off

Star Wars Legends TPB Forever Crimson - 40% off

House of Secrets the Bronze Age Omnibus HC Vol 02 - 50% off and I hate buying Omnibuses at $100+ so when they’re half off, makes a huge difference in price.

Thanos TPB Zero Sanctuary - 50% off

Star Wars Age of Resistance TPB Villains - 40% off

Star Wars Age of Resistance TPB Heroes - 40% off and if you buy villains, you gotta grab the heroes with it right? :wink:

Marvel Knights Punisher by Ennis Complete Collection TPB Vol - Only 20% off but for you Ennis and Punisher fans…

Thanos HC Infinity Conflict OGN - 50% off. Gotta love Starlin on Thanos.

And the real winners I think are the Pre-Code Classics with Slip Covers. 6 listed at 50% off.

Pre Code Classics - Strange Suspense, Outer Space, Beyond, Operation Peril, etc

I know I’m “BatmanFan” and I gravitate towards DC, but I am a huge Thanos fan/nerd. That being said, Zero Sanctuary just didn’t do it for me. I have the single issues, and perhaps I need to go back a re-read it but my first time through was rough.

I spend $1000+ with tfaw monthly and I don’t get free shipping, but $50 in tpb you do SMH. Can they just throw in $50 in tpb to all my monthly orders so I get free shipping so I dont have to pay $80+ in shipping?


Yes but only if you moan a little louder about it… and stomp around like a 5 year old who didn’t get the toy they wanted at Target! :wink:

You can have free shipping on pre-orders but the trade off would be, no discount… you pay full cover! :wink:

Sounds great. I’d love paying cover for 1:100 ratios…

Not including ratio variants turd blossom :wink: