Marvel Explores Thor’s Future Death and Thanos’ Infinity Stone Powered Mjolnir (
Get those Thor 6 2nd prints ready folks.
Someone else is continuing this storyline other than Cates?
I think Cates will bring back Thanos with the hammer later on in Thor though.
They’ve been ready for 2 years no one has bought them lol
One of those buy and hold until just the right moment…
It was always meant to be buy and hold. Stash them away until time was right to strike. I got many copies for $1 (Canadian! Lol) through various blowout sales from impatient retailers.
insert spaceballs soon gif here
Donny cates + spec = I’m out. All he’s good for is pumping his own books before release then a miserable failure or bogus ending to new characters. (NOT ME STILL TOTALLY SALTY OVER BLACK WINTER)
Donny Cates spec
Bought a lot of 10 few years back for $15.00 total/shipped…
Slabbed 4…these 9 are ready to go.
Can’t wait to unload…need to find a pod of Cates fans!
I don’t really call that “pumping” if it’s by the creators. It’s more like marketing… they’re trying to sell their product which I give creators a pass cause it’d be silly to think they’d say the opposite… “Don’t buy my stuff, it totally sucks man!”
To be fair, if a creator insisted I shouldn’t read their comic I’d have some morbid curiosity about it.
Whatever you do, don’t buy my Acetate EOS #2. I created it last night
Yes, the reverse psychology will getcha everytime…
Wait, I haven’t “acetated” my copies yet!!
Sounds like Thanos: Death Notes introduces a new Infinity Stone…
They’re like Pringle’s, I suppose.
Nothing is sacred anymore with Marvel. 1st the bastardization of characters; now this.
Next there will be colored Thor’s hammers.
Utterly pathetic and lazy creativity.