Thanos and Thor News

Marvel Explores Thor’s Future Death and Thanos’ Infinity Stone Powered Mjolnir (

Get those Thor 6 2nd prints ready folks.


Awwww… yeah. I’m ready. Time to keep a watch on eBay for them.

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Someone else is continuing this storyline other than Cates?

I think Cates will bring back Thanos with the hammer later on in Thor though.


They’ve been ready for 2 years no one has bought them lol


One of those buy and hold until just the right moment… :slight_smile:

It was always meant to be buy and hold. Stash them away until time was right to strike. I got many copies for $1 (Canadian! Lol) through various blowout sales from impatient retailers.

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insert spaceballs soon gif here





Donny cates + spec = I’m out. All he’s good for is pumping his own books before release then a miserable failure or bogus ending to new characters. (NOT ME STILL TOTALLY SALTY OVER BLACK WINTER)


Donny Cates spec

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Bought a lot of 10 few years back for $15.00 total/shipped…
Slabbed 4…these 9 are ready to go.
Can’t wait to unload…need to find a pod of Cates fans!

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I don’t really call that “pumping” if it’s by the creators. It’s more like marketing… they’re trying to sell their product which I give creators a pass cause it’d be silly to think they’d say the opposite… “Don’t buy my stuff, it totally sucks man!” :wink:

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To be fair, if a creator insisted I shouldn’t read their comic I’d have some morbid curiosity about it.

Whatever you do, don’t buy my Acetate EOS #2. I created it last night

Yes, the reverse psychology will getcha everytime… :wink:

Wait, I haven’t “acetated” my copies yet!!

Sounds like Thanos: Death Notes introduces a new Infinity Stone…

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They’re like Pringle’s, I suppose.


Nothing is sacred anymore with Marvel. 1st the bastardization of characters; now this.
Next there will be colored Thor’s hammers.

Utterly pathetic and lazy creativity.