This Weeks Top Trending books 6/13

These come from and show the top 10 trending books for each Age for last week. These are in no particular order just the top trending books in the Age for the week. Not to be confused with the top moving books for the month but both lists will share many of the same books but weekly trends don’t include any Golden Age. Green arrow up means price increase in the last month red arrow down means price decrease in the last month. has many tools available for free and a good source to add to your arsenal. Please click on the pictures to see the full top 10 for each Age.

Silver Age

Bronze Age

Copper and Modern Age

Modern Variants

Have a feeling House of Secrets 92 will be falling off that list for a while. If DC doesn’t give any solid Swamp Thing info on where they intend to go after the cancellation fiasco HoS #92 might take a big hit on price. Could be a very good end of summer pick up depending on how many abandon the Swamp Thing ship.