I doubt it… would be cool though.
LOL…God of Hammers spec is gonna fall flat fast
Looking like it unless there’s more too it.
What!? Can you name a single villain more popular than Mangog?! /s
Wasn’t Mangog last seen in Jane foster Thor? Wrapped in Fenris chains and hurled into the sun, by mjolnir
Thor 20 a dud now too?
Not while I was selling them…
The hype machine Cates disappoints yet again.
Donny Cates master salesmen. Maybe in a past life he was a used car salesman
Same here.
Glad I already moved all my extras. May not even pick up an extra copy of 21 now.
…sooooo, what does economics have to say about ASM87?…
Was he really hyping it this time? Or was it speculators doing all the hyping? From what I can tell, he’s just writing stories… if you’re let down cause the spec didn’t pan out as you expected, that’s on speculators, not him.
Actually he worked at a comic book store in Austin. The one I most frequent.
I thought it, you said it. Cates is using Comic Kung Fu to dick with speculators and I personally love it. He anticipates their movements and then uses their momentum against them.
He has tweeted, before he deactivated his Twitter account, about how people messaging him wanting to know what issues will have new characters, what other characters he will lift up in his run, etc. That’s gotta be frustrating as a creator, not having your work appreciated but rather it being used to make resellers money.
I’m not saying he won’t create more new characters, but I think he saw how people acted with Cosmic Ghost Rider and Knull and decided to back off. Just my opinion on that front.
It’s one thing to critique Cates on his writing, another to be mad at him because a person couldn’t profit off of his work enough for their liking.
This right here… Cates is being paid to write stories, not boost your profits by writing “spec” driven stories. Nuff said!
Don’t blame Cates at all, these bozos have no decorum whatsoever. Truly the dregs of society. My LCS told me on the day of Punchline’s debut and the 1:25 variant was the hot book of the week, a fist fight literally broke out at the shop.
I guess it’s a good thing she wasn’t named Stabline then. Yikes.