Any spoilers images coming for this issue @agentpoyo? I’d like to see how they kill BW. That would be unlike Cates to build up the character then kill him off so quick. Yes I know comic deaths aren’t final.
There some in the thread scroll up. Interior image and spoiler cover
I’m talking more about the BW stuff. I’ve seen the others.
Didn’t he kill off Cosmic Ghost Rider and Black Silver Surfer (fallen one) in the Thanos Wins arc? It is totally Cates. He kills them and they’re back in the next series…
Cosmic Ghost Rider never really left though. He’s “killed” in 17, but still is in 18, in the Thanos annual, then his own series 2 months later. He never really left.
I meant a little more substance wise death where someone goes away for a while.
And Black Winter was really only in 5/6 substance wise. That’s pretty quick for something (someone?) that’s supposed to be as important and powerful.
I’m not sure we are done with the black cloud. I am curious how they do it though.
Yep pretty sure he killed Thanos too but here he is with the Infinity Hammer and Knull gauntlet. I thought he already killed Galactus is Thanos and Guardians as well
Are those Marvel Zombies?
Are they coming back? I mean, I know Marvel Zombies Resurrection is coming up. But is this Thanos bring them into the 616 for some shennanigans?
Do you suppose this will do anything for Ultimate FF 21, 22, 23 (1st Marvel Zombies)?
FWIW, I am kinda excited if that is the case.
Maybe tonight. It’s on @Anthony… I’m doing a bunch of KubeCon Virtual this week… yes, big computer nerd convention stuff…
There’s a convention for Japanese Beef?
Yes, yes there is.
The Hotz variant is selling ridiculously right now. I have 2 of the trades coming my way but hot damn they are selling 100 per right now.
Sell sell sell no one will care next issue of Thor. I’m completely out of Black Winter sold my last Thor #2 1:25s today and yesterday also sold my only Thor #5 cover A. Keeping Thor #5 1:25 already sold my extra copy of that last week.
Yeah, this is insane. We are reaching peak fomo or something.
I’m selling so much stuff I had one buyer spend $800 on 5 books in the span of a week, once grading submissions come back I’m going to be flipping and grading flipping and grading until the wheels fall off.
That’s why this line is driving me crazy… I need these books back ASAP so I can sell sell sell
Received <------------------------------------ HURRY UP!!!
2,900 what’s that mean your cost?
It’s the value of all 25 books. I typically just do 100 for each, but I guess I entered more for some others. The max value you can enter for each modern tier book is 200.
Oh ok don’t have to do that with PGX unless the book is like $10,000 and in that case I write a lot of money lol
You don’t have to - it’s just the value that your books will be insured at in case of loss or damage. I only use CGC because I re-sell these, but for the PC I would totally consider PGX at their price point. I like their newest cases / labels.