If you could pick ONE cover from the original Transformers comic series that you think is the best or most iconic for the series, which cover would you pick? I guess that means you can pick two, lol.
That’s an expensive book. Iove it, But given it’s an homage, I consider it more an iconic Batman cover than transformers. It’s not from the original (marvel) series either.
I think it comes down to just issue 1 and 5. And issue 1 is only iconic because it’s issue #1.
Issue 5is the only other cover in the series that is instantly recognizable.
Transformers the Movie #1 should be iconic given the cult status of the movie and all the first appearances with cover appearances.
There’s a few UK covers that I really like and would consider slabbing if I could find them for though grade.
Issue 5 for sure.
Issue five is amazing and one of my favorites, but I have to go with #1. When I was 13 or 14 and getting into comics I couldn’t wait to get that issue! The cover told the whole story and I just had to wait until I saved enough for it. It was a whopping $5 or $6 at the local comic shops and I needed to do chores to get it!