TRUTH (New Trade Paperback Release)

I was happy to see this in the newest previews. To my knowledge, this was only released once prior (quite some time ago) and it is now pretty costly.

I like to give out Trade Paperbacks to many of my friends/family who enjoy this sort of thing and are general fans. This will be a good one to have on hand for that purpose. I’m also stocking up on the Stray Dogs TPB for the same purpose.

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I have 2x Stray Dogs and 2x SIKTC HC orders for Christmas gifts!

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What are we talking about ?

@LoveBox The TRUTH trade paperback that will be re-released soon. It’s the title of the thread. It’s the story of Isiah Bradley…character shown in the Falcon and Winter Soldier show.

Great story/read!


Captain America Truth TPB Quesada Cover

Captain America Truth TPB Baker Dm Var

Captain America Truth TPB Quesada Cover

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Truth: Red Black and Black on eBay

And yes, great books to pick up if you can find them out in the wild!


I got the hardcover from my LCS for like $10 after I saw what they were selling for online. Was hoping it would stay out of print :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think a lot of folks don’t realize that trades and hardcovers are the biggest sellers and money makers for publishers. They outsell floppy comics by a longshot.

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I thought it was but someone mentioned sikc and stray dogs so I thought they were talking about department of truth

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Similar titles can cause confusion. I remember when everyone was getting befuddled about two games. “The Outer Worlds,” and, “The Outer Wilds.” Both involved space travel but both were very different.

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Yeah, they were likely replying from OP comment here: