Tuesday night spoiler request

Green Lantern War Journal #4 (New ring forged by John Stewart)

SW Aphra 39 (1st Acquisitor?)

SW Revelations #1 (New Bounty Hunter?)

SW High Republic #2 (New Character?)

Nightwing 109 (Apex Ava)

Is this a new character? I pre-ordered 1 copy just because I liked the cover and character design.

That is a great cover, not sure if it is a new character though. Will find out tonight for you.

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i think she’s new. read the 1st issue, it was actually a good read that im picking up the rest

LOL! 1st Acquisitor…guess we need a new version of the Inquisitors. Oh Marvel and Disney. it just never ends with the amount of new characters you keep introducing with each monthly Star Wars books.

We, the consumers and collectors created this problem… because we hype them up to sell at aftermarket prices so they’re just responding to how consumers respond… :wink:

Well, you piqued people’s interest. Capwolf #3 is now sold out at TFAW.

My job is done.

“how many copies are you sitting on, why you pumping so hard?” - MonopolyJackson

Original X-men #1

Big nothing burger on this one. There is a droid that eats minds and takes over knowledge. Also takes over and controls other droids. With that being said it has moved on to taking over cyborgs. Can’t take over humans yet.

Shown in shadows. Looks like this

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Original X-Men has some familiar characters. Greg Land reuses some of his own art too.

First up, how many times have we seen these two images being used by Land???

And…. The return of Onslaught

And Weapon X from AoA (bring on the Legion of Wolverines


thanks !

Onslaught is such a bad a$$ character.

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rather have land recyle his art that the crap one post up

Dammit, Midtown will only let me order 25 copies…

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Also this week. Spider-Boy mentions a new villain showing up next issue (Killionaire) and introduces another goofy new character in the backup story.

Superman has a new suit of armor for supes and he gets blasted back to the Wild West.

And this week’s actual spoilers:

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Killadelphia #32 is supposedly the first appearance of Vampire Spawn. Surprised that wasn’t hyped by any sites.

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He becomes vampire Spawn in issue 31 if I remember correctly. Been a few weeks since I read it. But, I’m pretty sure it ends with him as a vampire.

Cover to 31 is sweet.
