Tyler Kirkham and other artists launch Artists Elite Comics

That’s an adorable pup! I just have two fat cats.

Yeah, we have that too. :man_facepalming:

I was going to buy their 1st books, give them a shot…but not now. They sound like ■■■■■■■ idiots.

" Let’s say Tyler’s already got his part two done, and then maybe two other artists will be featured in part two. Part three may have, three different artists in there, it’s chaotic publishing. Let’s say Tyler gets his part one done and he doesn’t get his part two done for eight months you may not see Tyler’s part two for a long time."

And oh boy, the article is full of quote’s that make me steer clear of their “project”.


Because if there’s anything comic readers want, it’s LESS reliability in release schedules.


So it seemed like they were saying the chaotic publishing design would apply to their anthology series–every N-duration units they’ll put out an anthology issue and whoever has their parts ready makes it into that issue of the anthology?
And then, after so many issues of the anthology series has been released they’ll release a regular series featuring the parts that were already published in the anthology?

Am I reading that right? If that’s correct, it seems the anthology issues are what speculators should be looking into–with the understanding that these new characters may never be seen again if the artist gets super busy on other stuff?

uhhh… hmmm

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“Here, buy this thing we’re not really all that dedicated to making work.”


Points for being upfront? :rofl:

Have no love for Tyler Kirkham or Ale Garza. Not saying I hope this fails, but saying I don’t care if it is successful either


Count me out… sounds like it’s even dumber than those bright ideas the ■■■■■■■ over at Bad Idea come up with…