Ultimate Spider-Man #2 Errors

I was just thinking whether double covers even occur anymore with today’s printing/assembly process.

All I see are early 90s and older.

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Thanks, I reported it as a “Chance Listing” which is prohibited. The seller could simply open the pages to confirm if it is or not, but yet is trying to boost the sales by saying it “could be”… which is against eBay policy. I encourage others to do the same, report these types of bad behavior.


Wow. I think I will go right ahead and block that seller.
I don’t need anything from him/her. That’s for sure

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Report them too… the more we report these types of listings, sellers are educated and it will make them think twice about how they’re trying to deceive buyers…

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Zero feedback



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It sold. What a piece of shit.


E-Bay can still take punitive action after a sale has completed. I had my store shut down once over a Zombie Tramp #1 that had sold 2 weeks earlier that I missed removing voluntarily with the other 50 copies I took down since it was the only one directly loaded at E-Bay only and I’d forgotten. I just spent 20 minutes in chat getting approval for some Avatar trash I’m pretty sure are sketchy at best and had the agent make a note in my account that I had gotten permission from him to list them and he e-mailed a copy which I saved to the E-Bay folder in case there’s ever an issue.