Underground Comics

I was given a lot of underground comics a few months ago. Finally getting around to going through and listing them.

Some of these titles, like Zap Comix it’s very difficult to distinguish the printing…and there can be a lot of them.

Anyway, came across this website that’s been extremely helpful.

If anyone is interested in underground comics, I can send you a list of what I have. I may post some pics here just to show what I have.

I’m just looking to move them for a few bucks. They’re not in great shape, but trying to save them from the incinerator.

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Thanks! I’ll follow this thread.

Some of that early Robert Crumb is hard to tell which printings. It’s subtle so i look at ebay listings of CGC comics of those printings and then i read the labels and compare the covers to figure which is which.

Where did you get them and do you have a list

My Mother-in-Laws friend’s husband passed away a while back…she didn’t know what to do with them. I initially looked through them and didn’t see anything exciting. A few were maybe $20 books on a good day. But they were stored loose in a box for decades. Spine rolls, creases, foxing.

I can put a list together tomorrow. But I’ll post some pics that I have so far.

ZAP Comix 0 3 4 (2nd Prints) 5 6 9 (1st Prints)

Freak Brothers 2-5

RIPOFF Comix issues 1-5

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Some others I haven’t taken pics of yet.

Dope Comics 1 & 2

Dr Atomic Comic 4

Harold Head 2

Mondo Snarfo (2nd pr)

Mr. Natural 1 (2nd) and 3

Snappy Sammy Smoot

Snarf 6 (2nd Pr)

Quack Comics 1-4

Two Fools

Fed N Heads 1 (4th)

Yellow Dog Comics 19 23

Actually, some are so hard to tell CGC gets it wrong.

Zap Comix 4 the only way to tell 1st from 2nd is the upper staple placement. Another one it was the weight of the paper…crazy.

That Robert Crumb guy was everywhere! I see his name on most of these books, it seems.

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Fogel’s guide is great for figuring out printings too.