Venom 2099

Heads up CHU family the LIM cover B variant is seeing sales around $15. I personally prefer the A cover CRAIN because of the superior art work, but for now, it is still widely available online with no restrictions for cover price…

Personally, as a reader/fan of the original series I’m digging the whole relaunch, it’s been fun so far, especially PUNISHER… I wouldn’t be surprised to see 2099 show up on DISNEY PLUS as an animated tie in considering the success of “INTO THE SPIDERVERSE”. I have absolutely no confirmation of that whatsoever, it’s just a hunch, but it’s a logical extension when you think about it… I’ll update in a few days or if I see any movement worth mentioning on the book. Have a good week, be well everyone…

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HA, no Disney Plus show. That aint happening. Besides what Donny C mentioned last week about the character appearing in a future issue of Venom, I believe the book will not take off as much as people want it to. I have 4 copies of the 1:25 and they’ll just sit in the box collecting dust…

Can you explain how much people do want it to take off? And if it doesn’t reach that expectation, where do you see it landing, @monopolyjackson? I have not seen anyone post any expectations, price wise or otherwise, for the book.

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