Venom #29

So…why is everyone Gaga over his Stegman cover when it’s open order and nothing special happening?

Did I miss something?

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I didn’t buy 5 packs or 10 packs… whatever the kids these days are buying… meh…

Its the kool thing to do these days :wink:

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You got me. I think cover A has that iconic look going for it personally.

Always bet on cover A…unless a variant is first cover+first appearance.

Incentives turned open orders havent traditionally done well in the secondary market. Latest exMple i can thinknof is star wars yellow light saber toy variant. Wss 1:25 then to open order. Still cover price on ebay last i checked.

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Spec’ing on a light saber… :man_shrugging:

Star wars sells. People buy everything

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Have they tried Wookiee poo? Bet that would be a surprise hit.


I cancelled the book after seeing 5 packs for cheap I’ll just keep one cover A.

I seen someone say that before but I swear I’ve seen 5 packs since issue 25 of Venom and other hot books from certain sites.

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The 5 pack idea is just an easy way for retailers to offload their stock. It’s clever and also a tell tale sign of books getting highly over ordered likely not on actual demand but people chasing the ratio variants.

Yes to that. Ratio chasers. Kinda like hookers at Truck stops.

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Ummm… my dad was a truck driver. There was no chasing, the “lot lizards” would come to you…

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Hmmm…secret agent Poyo’s origin may be An interesting Story yet!

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Not really… but you keep thinking that! :wink:

Dont let Poyo fool you, he has more storys of drugs hookers and booze than he knows what to do with (and thats only the first night in NYCC with Tony) … come to think of it, i think thats where Remender got the idea for his new comic, The Scumbag.

You have me confused with Blind Adam…


What people here haven’t figured out yet is that Poyo IS Blind Adam…


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Nah. Too different of a tone in writing style and sense of humor. Plus, Adam has let his voice be heard and such online. @agentpoyo is a total and utter recluse outside of his mystery persona.