WalMart Packs - 3Q21

Pumper and Dumpers would rather lie and say its an error than admit the truth…


I’m sure I ■■■■-blocked a pretty substantial sale for him… but not sorry.


Not even pumping and dumping, it’s just straight up con at this point if they’re lying in saying it’s an error to sell at inflated prices.


Actually it’s not. There’s a difference in marketing a product, valid information and data to support a product that creates demand based on such data or facts, probably a slew of others we could mention and then pump and dumping, which the whole intent is to drive up the price based on you wanting to dump your products normally on baseless or invalid information, or just straight up conning buyers.


I’m no white knight - I take plenty of dollar bin books and sell them at market prices of $50-100… but what I won’t do is misrepresent a facsimile as the real thing or try to push something off as rare or limited when the evidence is out there that it isn’t


I worked out with weights this morning; and then later went #2.
It’s not “Everything”; but it’s certainly “Something” to the point being made about P&D?


Yeah, I definitely distinguish between a couple ways to sell comics:

  1. Pump and dump. This requires active involvement in two pieces of the process: the first is that you are promoting a book, the second is that you have stock of the book to promote. I won’t distinguish between promoting, say, a Hulk 180 here versus a Marvel Snapshots: Civil War via this method. The key is the active promotion with a stock to sell. You can do that with any book.

  2. Passive selling. This could either be you’re flipping (so, dumping without the pumping) or just scavenging dollar bins and throwing anything worth more than you paid up on eBay. In these cases you’re not actively promoting a book, you’re just selling. The end result is the same as if you were pumping and dumping, you move a book, but you aren’t talking it up. The active promotion is the key difference.

Not everything is pump and dump!

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Oh nice. Thanks for that! Is it really his fault, though?

I think the responsibility is on the people packing wal mart packs with defaced comics.

At the end of the day, the Tales From the Flipside guys can list what they want on ebay for whatever price they like. If the best information they had was that an error variant came out of Wal Mart packs, then the intent requirement of a fraud claim is not satisfied. If they continue to do so after being informed that it’s not a rare error variant, then the intent requirement probably is there.

I am just happy the info is out there so buyers don’t come across it on ebay and spend $500.


I don’t think there was intent or malice on BlueGreen’s part - I just hope he does his due diligence and doesn’t spread misinformation now that someone presented new information.

Wal-Mart (or more specifically their supplier) has been pretty shady with how these multi-packs are being loaded. The hyper-speculative market we are in is only making things worse.

I just appreciate your research for helping the rest of us navigate the sometimes confusing Star Wars waters.

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Now I can sell my tfaw Bounty Hunters just have to rip the cover off, wonder how many other books I can just rip the covers off of and say they are errors. It’s what most comic collectors deserve for never reading or even opening the cover to begin with but will spend an hour on YouTube listening to someone on what comics to buy.


Right, before being presented with the info, I don’t think there was any intent to mislead. He was likely just looking at the market. Best guess and advice based on the info that was out there.

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All those lenticular marvel books from Walmart 3 packs…they all have “double “ covers…would be nice to offload those…:crazy_face: