What are some cool Youtube channels for comic content and news?

Don’t mention Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi .That guy is an idiot.I remember he was ranting about one of Cate’s Venom books.I think the video was deleted or something,but his content is mostly trash.Cates is a terrific writer.I don’t always agree with him overhyping certain characters and sometimes underdelivering.I honestly believe he posts videos for views.I’m surprised no one has called him out.That guy acts like so called SJWS are annoying,but he is as annoying as they are.I’m kinda ranting,but I have to get it of off my chest.I have been holding back how I’ve felt about it a long time.

Tales from the flipside
Pressable Defects
Lords of the Long Box
Comically Correct Comics
JP’s Budget Collecting


Print the YouTube logo and put it on top of your phone while scrolling the CHU forums.


Cartoonist Kayfabe and Comic tropes. They don’t talk spec but they have really interesting insights and knowledge on comics. Cartoonist kayfabe guys are Jim Rugg and Ed Piskor are really talented guys in the industry and definitely have had some good success so its always interesting seeing their insights on older books


Cool Sfuff Collectibles
Jim Comics
Tales from the Flipside

These are my favorites

For news and stuff:

Comics with Perch
Thinking Critical
Reggie Collects Comics

Thank you to everyone for the great content

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My co-host and I produce a weekly live show Friday 9pm ET/6pm PT. It’s similar to a live talk show where we cover news, specs, and have guests in the community. We recently had Dinesh Shamdasani (CEO Bad Idea) as a guest co-host. We’ll have Reggie Collects on next week.

We also have a 500 sub contest going on.

I can’t stand tooting my own horn, but will if the opportunity arises.


Ed Piskor is great.

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Going to echo LoveBox’s recommendation of Comic Tropes. It started as more of a comedic channel (drinking games for tropes in comics) and has evolved into more studiousness, but I like the whole range of what the show has been and become.


I really enjoy All Things Comics with Ryan. I’ve been watching him for a few months now and have subscribed to his channel. The reason why I enjoy him and his channel so much boils down to the simple fact that I believe he is honest. His motto is “collect what you love” which I completely agree with. He also doesn’t seem to do any pump and dump BS that I just can’t stand. “YO bro, you gots ta buy this book NOW!! Supa hot!!!” He doesn’t do that crap. I feel like he genuinely loves comics and the hobby.

He does some spec / investment talk, he highlights books that are coming out (usually a week or two in advance, some pre-FOC), and he also recaps / narrates some comics too (Cates’ Thor, King in Black, Venom, X-Men / X of Swords, etc.)

I’ve invited him to these forums…we shall see if he joins.

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I started using TikTok. There is some comic content there. I’m using it to draw readers to the blog.

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