What are you buying during your self- quarantine?

OK, Covid-19 is all the rage right now and is now affecting all aspect of life for the next month or two. My wife is allowed to work from home starting Monday. I’m still recovering from lower spinal fusion surgery and our kid is too young for school. Saw this whole thing coming last month so we started stocking up on supplies early. Now we get to weather the storm, stay at home and maybe hang out in the backyard (when it isn’t raining). Basically, we are hunkering down for a bit of a self quarantine .

It didn’t take long before I got bored and did a little comic book buying. Not much, but it was fun shopping around looking for a hot-ish book or two.

What did I buy today? A higher grade copy of Fantastic Four vol 1 #164 and a higher grade copy of Captain America #354. Both in the VF range for right around $20 for the pair from the same seller (not on Ebay). Not the deal of the century but not a bad price overall either.

So, what are fellow CHU’ers buying for their collection or to sell down the road?

I haven’t bought anything really. Been cutting back and want to go through my own stuff to sell.

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I bought Jessica Simpson’s autobiography to read. I won’t be selling it once I’m done, I just like her and heard it was a good book.

I’m not really sure how to respond to that, David. Jessica… Simpson…did not see that one coming. :joy:

I’m a man of many interests.

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That you are, my friend. I hope you enjoy the read. I’m sure it will vary quite a bit from the stories revealed in Ozzys or the RHCP biographies. :beers:

PS. There is a great doc on Netflix right now called ’ That Little Ol’ Band From Texas: The ZZ Top Story’. I watched it the other day. It’s fabulous. I always knew Billy Gibbons had a connection to Hendrix, but I had no clue about the early years of ZZ Top and how briefly intertwined they were with so many classic artists from the 60s/70s. ZZ Top played shows with the likes of Muddy Waters all the way to the Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix. Far out. It’s a really cool Rock ‘n’ Roll story.

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I watched this the other day, too. I like all the Banger music documentaries, but they have a tendency to skip over big portions of an artist’s career, and they do that in this one, too. It basically stops after Eliminator comes out, so there’s 37 years of ZZ Top that doesn’t get talked about at all. Maybe the most compelling part of their story is their early years, but I still think the movie ends too abruptly. Anyway, it’s worth a watch if you like rock docs.

Now back to your regularly scheduled CHU talk. :slight_smile:

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I’ve been reading & buying more than typical lately. Life has been pretty crazy. I work for the govt & in healthcare. My wife recently was diagnosed with breast cancer & she started chemo just last week. Whole bunch of worry, not only about her, but what I need to do to not only help my own patients, but keep her safe from exposure as well. A shitty hand to be dealt with & far shittier given the current world affairs.
So…comics are a huge escape currently. I’ve been reading, organizing, & enjoying them. I’ve bought quite a few books lately & focussed on completing a Werewolf by Night run as well as anything modern related to Legion of Monsters/WWBN. Also grabbing anything Squadron Supreme related which is a fun/convoluted comic book challenge. I love it all.
I’m also a huge Stephen King fan, so getting caught up with him & re-read one of my all time favs (Christine)…man I love that book.
At any rate…I hope you all are well. Stay safe & God Bless!


Stay strong, my friend, @Devildog.
‘The darkest hour is just before the dawn’

Are you reading any of the Joe Hill comics?

So sorry to hear about your wife. Thankfully cancer can be beat. Stay strong brother and let us know if you need anything (except toilet paper and hand sanitizer cause there is none to be found). Wishing you and your wife all the best.

@jcLu @Anthony
Truly appreciate it. She’s a trooper and thus far is handling it amazingly well. Certainly will be tough times but we will get through it together.

It may sound lame, but I really enjoy these forums and my comics. A great distraction from it all.

@jcLu Absolutely love the new Joe Hill Books. Basketfull of Heads, Dollhouse Family are my favorites but I enjoy the others as well. Plunge was great and I’m looking forward to the next one. Very creepy.
I find myself actually excited and truly looking forward to reading the issues when they come out! That doesn’t happen all that much anymore with new books.

You all take care and stay safe as well. Going to be an interesting ride.

Hey Devildog,

Prayers sent for you and your wife. I know how utterly horrifying that can be. My wife was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer a while back. Her diagnosis came just six month after we were married and one semester before she was due to graduate from nursing school. It was a shock to say the least. Her diagnosis was just over five years ago and the five year anniversary ending her treatment is coming up in a few months.

The journey through all of her treatments and surgery was intense to say the least. It changed our lives as I am sure it has changed yours. We got through it. It was rough at times but even though that tunnel can seem darker than anything there is light at the end of it.

After my wife’s treatment we started a cancer support group at our church which has thrived and has now been running for just over four years now helping anyone who comes through the door. She also finished school and is doing well at her job. We were told children would probably be out of the question yet we now have a two year old making sure we don’t get enough sleep. Things can certainly go back to normal after cancer. Going through it is just awful. I know you two probably hear this a lot but just hang in there. Very easy to say that but please take it one day at a time and try not to let it overwhelm you. Also, feel free to reach out to me if you need to vent. Been there.


When Stephen King claims his own son is a far superior writer than himself, people should take note of that. :wink:


Always liked this 1:25 surfer variant. One of my favorite surfer covers. Finally grabbed a NM copy below ratio. Was fetching $40+ for a while…


Something I’ve been waiting awhile for and got it at a great price. The issues that were of interest to me were #14 & #17. First Appearance of Kamala Khan Cameo & First Full.

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That is a sweet cover!!!