What do you think of this King in Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage #2 JSC EXCLUSIVE cover?

Yay or nay?

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I have to go with nay. So freaking cheesy. Props to JSC for the detail of the shirts each of them are wearing.


Heh, he probably just photoshopped them onto the shirt. So many tools to bend and curve layers… :wink:


On sale now for those who want.

Here is the VIP discount code if anyone is ordering them.



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Completely agree but it is still a nice touch.

Not one of my favourites. I feel like he needs to progress his style a little - maybe try something new?

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Agree - I get frustrated by JSC because he does his tropes and makes his money, but he’s got the talent to go beyond that. Can’t really fault him for choosing to stick with what works, but every once in a while you see him do something different (e.g. Spawn 300) and it’s a reminder of how “boxed in” he usually is.