What is everyones Holy Grail Book

It’s so hard to just narrow it down to one. A few that I’ll probably never own would be X-Men #1, Fantastic Four #1, Giant Size X-Men #1.

This would be my one. One day I’ll pick one up.


Daredevil #1

My holy grail comic is one I finally obtained this year a few months ago - Miracleman 3D (2D variant). Initially limited to 100 copies and printed without 3D effects so people who were color blind could better view the interior. There are not a lot of these out there!


I think my holy grail book is Aquaman #1 (1962). I’m not much of a cape book person, but man oh man do I like Aquaman.

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Loved the miracle man comics, I collected all the warrior comics with the original black and white v for vendetta and miracle man in them…love them.

Fantastic Four #5

I love the Marvel Villain books, and with finishing up most of the ASM Villain 1sts, I’m on to Doom and Magneto.

Mine is Tec 168. I have enough for a low grade but hard to get one at a decent price.

Bone #1 or Invincible #1.

Unfortunately both well beyond my reach at this point. But I did get the Invincible FCBD 2020 double signed from the Skybound sale…

TMNT 1 for me. If anyone has one, I’ve got a recently acquired NM Hulk 180 to put towards it :slight_smile:

I got a TMNT #1 as part of buying my buddies collection (well keys out of it) he had it in a long box and the top 1/12 was bent down. Sent it out for pressing. Nothing I could do about color breaks but I did get the book straight. I am thinking of hitting Eastman up to draw over all the color breaks so it can’t be seen. Like fully white the top out and draw turtles on it.


Wow nice, is it a 1st print? The thought of anyone drawing all over a TMNT 1 makes me cringe a little, but I guess if anyone should be allowed to, it should be Eastman. Not sure how much white at the top you mean - do you mean like a thick white bar across the top?

No grail anymore. I purchased iron man 55 2 years ago, and that was my big grail for my collection.

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Yeah. It has lines that go and break color all through the top of the book. Is was bent like a 7