Would You Pay for CHU ..?

I’d kick in some money if there were a special badge for doing so, or we got neat little bonus content. Kind of like Patreon where people make stuff and get funds. They give some things to everyone, certain things only go to those who give out some money. Heck, I’d happily give money to CHU just to show support with no reward beyond how amazing the site is.

Thanks all. We need to look at things going forward as to how we proceed. I think spec shouldn’t be paid , and to be honest I do kick out a good deal of money for site hosting. I am wondering… we have slack channels we use for sharing ideas and spec. Wondering if people would want access to that. Lots of good info in there that gets out before it goes on the site. (And some complaining about spouses. Lol)

Well, somehow these transients are finding out about about CHU. Maybe they’re clicking on ads too.

Can you set up a “go fund me” donation page…maybe people will give you a buck or two if you help them with a big score/flip! Pay it forward.

The “Big Dog” weighs in … in a word, yes … :vulcan_salute:

I’d just personally like to see CHU continue to succeed as well as having folks help share the financial burden … because I know there is one …

No need to insult others by interpreting their statements as ungrateful, @Uncle_Willie. I think everyone who visits CHU, is appreciative of the staff for what they do. Let’s not forget that this is a community and in this community, all that is required to belong is a positive presence, and maybe a contribution when/if you can. Given that this is a spec site, adding a membership fee or whatever will muddy the waters of transparency for CHU. I, and I’m sure others have too, have sent Tony or Poyo a present or two over the years, as a show of our appreciation. If the site needs more resources in order to operate in the black, or break even, there are many ways to do so, before I would suggest an arbitrary membership fee. Simple donations would be more effective than a membership fee, to save the sites transparency equity. Imo.

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I would be all for giving some back. Besides entertaining me, this site has made me lots of money over the years and brought me back to comic collecting again. I would pay a yearly fee to see you recoup a little of what you put in. Thank you all.

Well, more like a Paypal Donate button I’d imagine. Go Fund Me sounds like Anthony needs medical assistance due to some emergency… :frowning:

Why do you keep pushing this? I’m not criticizing them for something they’ve floated around, YOU’RE the only one pushing for it so hard. It’s a little strange, I don’t know what you’re getting out of it.

Again, a Membership OPTION is not uncommon on many Forums … I don’t know why folks seem to not understand the word optional … as well, I also don’t understand how or why a Membership OPTION would change anything as far as transparency …

You’d think I had proposed some sort of Secret Society …

Become a Member or not, it’s the choice of the Poster …

GoFundMe and the like are short term solutions … does a GoFundMe get set up each and every time money may be needed … ??

I floated an idea … you don’t like it, fine … and, if you’ve read the Thread, as I mentioned previously, it’s ultimately Tony (Anthony) and his Brain Trust that decides what’s what …

Conspiracy Theory, anyone … ??

That point is fully understood, as implied when I stated

@Uncle_Willie, you are typically so chill, and this word ‘membership’ seems to have caused some confusion, as I see it. It’s semantics. If you call it a membership, it is implied that ‘members’ will receive benefits. If you call it a donation, it is implied that there is no reciprocation for the fee that is given/donated. You can still give out arbitrary badges to those who ‘donate’ (buy optional membership), but if you want to clear things up, I would suggest that you stop referencing your idea, which I think is very thoughtful and well intended, as a ‘membership’. This may, imo, help clear up some of the perceived confusion. :v:

Restating my Original Post ::

Copy below of a reply I made to Mr Poyo on the Main Site ::

"Mr. Poyo … speaking as a Denizen of on-line Forums / Chats / etc, since the days of USENET and the BBS’s … there is nothing wrong with offering a “Membership” for a nominal fee … a year or more for a small fee that gets you a “badge” or indicator of some sort … offer up a free gift of some sort to those that contribute …

I think the financial gain that CHU helps some obtain is a valuable commodity … of course, still have free access, but collecting a few shekels from those that are willing to chip in is not a bad idea or a bad thing … you fine folks provide a service, and, as you mention, it’s not cheap to run …"

This was in reply to his “Likes and Dislikes” column and discussion surrounding Pop Up Ads …

Donations, Memberships… whatever you wanna call it, I get what Uncle Willie is trying to bring forth as a discussion and I like how a member is kicking off the discussion to get a feel if others feel the same, keep CHU going with some cash because it takes cash to keep a site like this going.

A huge thanks to those contributing the discussion though. Feedback is important cause the last thing we’d want to do is waste time implementing something that will chase off people or simply waste our time implementing as it doesn’t take off or work.


I believe I have added all I can add to the discussion … my general sense is that Posters don’t have an issue, for the most part, on CHU implementing an OPTIONAL Membership ability and/or, of course, offering the CHU Shwag Boutique with which to sell various CHU items …

Membership could entail an incentive of some sort, special Supporting Member badge next to Posters avatar, possible incentive Comic with Membership and/or a piece of CHU Shwag … nothing more … no secret, inside info, no special treatment …

Although, I would suggest a Classified Ad section available to Members only with which to buy / sell / trade … anchored to identity verification for safety purposes … :vulcan_salute:


Lets play devils advocate with Jclu for a second. I understand you are against the idea of paying for information that is readily available online in just about every corner of the internet. But what about the info that isnt ? Is there a market for information that is usually off limits to the public? and if there is , how much of a “membership fee” would you pay for that? And while we are at it, what else would you expect from the membership? Discounted comics? Free Giveaways? Spec videos? What constitutes the core “value” of a membership that you would pay for?

I would pay $0 to join an online spec group. I, like Poyo, would never pay a ‘membership’ fee to any speculation site. Imo, that’s like paying to hear other people’s guesses. I read my comics and previews. I make my own guesses with the network I have built up of like minded people. If a membership included grading discounts at CGC, then I may join that, only as it would make financial sense, depending on the fee. I couldn’t see myself paying more than $10-$20, annually, for something that had CGC grading discounts. I’m sure there is a market for people who pay for speculation, but that seems like fools gold to me. In all honesty, you would have to pay me to be a part of that club, lol. But I’d probably still just remain doing my own thing and enjoying the free communitys that exist.

SO what ur saying is : even if a site did reviews on comics that wern’t out yet, or had insider knowledge to comics that were on FOC that week, or had access to information not on any website or speculation site, you still wouldn’t pay money for that information? What if being a member saved you 50% or more on comics? or even Statues, Toys and trades? AT what point do you see the value of a membership to a site ?

Yes. That is what I’m saying. None of the things you mentioned appeal to me, in the sense that this ‘insider’ info, unless it was an actual creator of said book, is not useful to me. It is just some guys guess as to how he thinks the market will respond.

I have developed my methods as to how I speculate, and paying for online information does not fit my business plan. 50% off of new comics is appealing, but only if you have somewhere were I can pick them up every Wednesday that they are released, or if shipping is cheap and damn quick. 48 hrs max. Like I said previously, the only thing that I can think of that would have me pay for an online membership, of any sort as it pertains to comics, is a grading discount at CGC. I will not pay for information. If any info is not readily available for free online at the moment, and it’s actual good info, it will be readily available online, for free, in short order, imo.

I find that statement utter Hogwash. There is a wealth of information out there that consumers dont see and in the right hands it could make people money.

yes, we know your business plan. Free is for you.

Nothing is ever free. someone, somewhere had to pay for that information. In the world of ebay selling and flipping TIME is the most crucial part of the equation. Get the info late and you miss out on cheap spec that you now have to pay 5x more for.

Here is what bugs me: I use to think some Retailers were greedy as shit. Then I thought it was the publishers also. Now Im seeing how greedy Speculators/ flippers are as well.

Its late and I really cant think what the proper word for your tone is , but its written all across your response. You really do have the “I only want free stuff” mentality. Here is what free will get you : Enjoy these Free Ads for you to watch. Please enjoy :slight_smile:

Your assessment is wrong. You have conflated consumers and I. There very well may be a wealth of information worth money to them. But it is not worth it for me.

Wrong again. My plan, as everyone’s should be, is buy low, sell high. Nothing is free. :wink:

Strike 3. Not wanting to be a customer to someone else’s guess work is not greed. Wanting others to pay for your guesswork is.

Lmao. Armchair psychiatrist much? If you can do it yourself, there is no need to pay some fool to do it for you. :v: