
Scott Synder updates Wytches tv series’ writers room will commence tomorrow after he wrote the pilot. Interestingly, the first season of the adaptation will incorporate some bread crumbs that will hint the next story for volume 2 of the comics, which will be released from Image come 2022.

Full details from his Substack newsletter: Newsletter #37: From Page to Screen - by Scott Snyder


Oh cool literally found issue 1 the other day at the lcs. Probably gonna put up for sale when it hits key collector

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Ugh. Seriously disappointing. I was hoping for a live action series. One of my favorite titles.


I remember when it was optioned the week it came out. I think Clooney or was it Brad Pitt? Anyways one of those and it was NYCC weekend…they were in search of their next option…

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The good news is Snyder tweeted that the comic is coming back, too.


It was Brad Pitt’s company that optioned it the weekend it came out. I started writing this up on the main site and fell asleep yesterday before I finished. To be honest, this is also one of my favorite titles, and while I am disappointed it’s not live action, Amazon has done an amazing job with Invincible and this could work out the same for prices on the book.


I found some issues at a comic shop but just later ones. It always stinks when you feel like you might’ve scored and then realize someone probably took the things you were after a little while before you.

The time to sell Wytches was the first time it got optioned years ago. That’s when I cashed out and never turned back…

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